Colorado, South Park.

164 5 26

I walk into the classroom. A complete silence falls in. Oh fuck... I should have waited a day or two!

"Kyle!" Stan yells.

He hugs me, his shortness causing quite the problem... not that he is incredibly short... just on the shorter side of the spectrum.

"Alright Kyle, sit down," our teacher says.

Stan smiles at me, sitting at his seat. He has Wendy next to him.

"Go on, we can change people around," the teacher says.

I scan the room, the sight of a silent boy looking down is almost depressing... scratch that, it's depressing.

"Um," I say.

I walk over to the seat.

"Anyone sitting here?" I ask.

Bebe's eyes are wide. She mouths Kenny something along the lines of,
'Doesn't he recognised him?'

"I'm taking silence as a yes," I say.

I sit next to him, putting my stuff on my desk. All around the classroom, people start whispering.

"What's gotten into him?"

"Next to Cartman? That's so unlike him!"

The whispering continues for a while until I turn around to the gossipers.

"Sorry ladies, my business is mine and I would appreciate if you could stick that shit up your asses. Thank you, have a very nice day," I say.

I turn back around and start sharpening my pen. Cartman's quietness is actually scary. Say something!

"Your favourite Jew is back home," I say, hoping for a response.

"Shut up," Cartman says.

He sounds... different? That's the best way to say it, I guess.

"I... um," I say.

"Shut, up. Which part does your brain have trouble with?" He asks.

"The up part, thank you very much my man," I say.

We get these papers... what are the called? The things that list words? Yeah, those. Because it's fucking Spanish.

"Okay. We're partners?" I ask.

"I would assume," he says.

I roll my eyes.

"Et sitten voi olla yhtään vitun ärsyttävämpi," he says.

Did he just call me fucking annoying?

"Oh you didn't just-!" I say.

"I did," he says.

He shrugs.

"Well. I'm going to be above this behaviour and-," I say.

"Oh yeah. You just have to stay above it," he says.

"Both in importance and manners, I am above you," I say.

Bebe and Kenny (Who presumably have finished already), are staring at us, holding back laughter.

"You wouldn't point it out if you were," Cartman tells me.

I roll my eyes and get to the actually thing. It goes... surprisingly well? Yeah.

He quiets down again, looking at something that just... isn't there? What he even looking at?

"Are you okay?" I ask.

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