Chapter 16: It really is perfect :)

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Hey my lovely fans! :) here is chapter 16! woohoo, sorry for the cliffhanger last chapter! i just wanted to see who everyone thinks it is!! soo yeah :) all is revealed!! :O hope no ones disappointed!!

i also didnt really want to put it up cause it means that this book is ending soon :( but id just like to say thank you soo much to all my lovely fans who have stuck by this book since im in love with payne! i appriciate it!!


thanks again xx :)


It took months of recovery, countless sessions with a therapist to get me walking properly, countless visits to doctors for checkups and countless time going to the pharmacy for medication.

The man that hit me got charged and is jailed for 2years. His drunken mistake nearly cost me my life, I couldn’t bare to look at him at the trial. i was still in all the bandages. He had tears in his eyes as he said sorry to my face as he was being pulled out of the court room, his face full of sympathy, I bursted into tears myself.

Im starting to walk but with my broken leg its hard to walk properly. Both my arms still haven’t recovered properly yet and are still bandage. Everytime I go for the sessions I would have a nurse on each side of me making sure I don’t fall on my arms to make them worst. I get occasional headaches and I spend most of my time on a bed.

There were days where I feel like giving up but the pain of seeing my son crying cause he wants me to hold him, kills me inside. That’s why I pushed, I pushed against the pain, I thrived to get better, took it all in and thought about Charlie. I had to recover for him, he needed his mother, he needed me.

It took 5 long months for my leg to recover, a few limps and a struggle to stand up but once I’m walking, I’m walking properly. I had another operation about a month ago on my right arm and its still bandage but my left arm has fully recovered. The headaches have faded but I still take medication for everything, every now and then id get some pain but im getting there. Im happy that im starting to get my life back together. Tomorrow I will be able to take my arm out of the cast and carry Charlie in my arms.

Tears start in my eyes as that thought came to my mind. I was looking at Charlie, who was fast asleep in his cot. His curly hair is longer, his green eyes more distinct and he now has teeth. Two small ones at the front! He was soo cute.

Arms wrapped around my waist, as I wiped the tears away.

I cant believe I made it, i cant believe I’m nearly out of bandages, I survived that accident, finally happy from that depressing stage. I pulled through. i did t.

And I couldn’t have done it without the people in my life right now. Especially Charlie and……..

His lips pressed against my bare shoulder taking me away from my thoughts. I smiled at him.

“We should get you to bed, you have a long day tomorrow” he said. As we made our way to the bed.

He held on to me tight, like every night after I was given the thumbs up from the doctor that I was able to go back to normal but I couldn’t put pressure on my arms still. He held onto me every night making sure I would never leave him,

I woke up bright and early the next morning, walking to the bathroom. Looked myself in the mirror and touch the scars on my forehead and neck, reminders of that terrible day and sigh.  “scars of a brave beauty” he whispered in my ear. I smiled, knowing that perfection doesn’t need to exist as long as the one I love accepted my imperfections. That the scars didn’t matter cause he loved me for the inner me.

Styling my love for Payne (Book 2 of Im in love with Payne)Where stories live. Discover now