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Chris was stroking my arms, the children are still there, he cannot stop gazing at them, he feels so connected to them, I don't know why I'm not....... I brush my hand over Chris's face, "Chris.... The way you look at the children, you look into their eyes, like you know something, I look into their eyes and I see nothing, Chris, what do you see?" he smiles and he says, "Well, you have always been able to see through my eyes, I see through yours all the time, do you remember Essie going into labor? I saw that before you called, it's one of the pluses we have as being cantis lupus, why don't you try?" I nod at Chris, then he says, "Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and invade my mind." I do as he says right when he says it, I see, Bronx is confused about this, and Brooke, she's just thinking, she's hungry, I ask Chris to bring in a nurse and ask her to bring some milk, she comes in and takes Brooke, I motion my hand up, stop, I want my baby, I'll feed her, I love her.


Sorry this is so short, this is what I was working on for a LONG time. I'm really sorry for a delay. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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