New Book Details - Frostfire

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I have new book coming out called Frostfire, and it's the first book in a series called the Kanin Chronicles. I'm super excited about it, and I thought it'd be fun to share some info about it here. 

 Here's the description: 

 "Bryn Aven is an outcast among the Kanin, the most powerful of the troll tribes. Set apart by her heritage and her past, Bryn is a tracker who’s determined to become a respected part of her world. She has just one goal: become a member of the elite guard to protect the royalty. She’s not going to let anything stand in her way, not even a forbidden romance with her commander, Ridley Dresden. But all her plans for the future are put on hold when Konstantin—a fallen hero who she once loved—appears to be up to something dangerous..."

 Now for those of you that may have questions about the new book, I'm here to answer them.

 When does Frostfire come out?

It will be out January 6, 2015, published through St. Martin's Griffen. It's available for preoder now where ever books are sold. 

 Is this a spinoff of the Trylle series?

Yes, it is, in the sense that it takes place in the same world that Trylle did. A few characters from the Trylle do appear in the Kanin series, and Ember Holmes (Finn's younger sister) is featured prominently throughout the books. This series takes place four years after the events in Ascend, which has given the characters from the Trylle some time to grow and change.

Do I need to have read the Trylle books to understand what happens in the Kanin Chronicles?

No, you do not. I wrote it with the goal of it being accessible to both old and new fans. With that said, there are a few allusions to past books and events that fans of the Trylle will enjoy, but nothing that will keep new readers from understanding what's happening.

 Why did you want to revisit the world?

I loved creating the world of the Trylle, but Wendy's story only showed the tip of the iceberg. I knew that I wanted to write a complimentary tale from the eyes of someone who'd grown up in the world and knew it inside and out and could really showcase everything that's going on the troll world. Originally, I envisioned possibly writing the books from Ember's point of view, but eventually I realized that I wanted to start with a brand-new character, who became Bryn Aven. Bryn is fierce and tough, and she won't take crap from anybody, and I absolutely adored writing her and how she tackles the obstacles in her way.

 How many books will there be in the Kanin Chronicles?

Like the Trylle books, this will be a trilogy. I only know the official release date Frostfire, but I believe the last two books will also be out in 2015. (With titles and covers to be revealed at a future time).

 Why is the girl on the cover blond? Is that Bryn Aven? But trolls don't have blond hair?

That is Bryn Aven, and she is blond. The Trylle books really only focuses on the appearances of two tribes - the Trylle and the Vittra. In the Kanin Chronicles, readers will learn that there's so much more to the troll world than just those two.

 Is Ridley Dresden named after famed director Ridley Scott, who you frequently reference in your books because AlienBlade Runner, and Legend are masterpieces?

Yes. Yes, he is.

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