The capture of the beloved eyes prologue

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(Mishka of view) You might be thinking where we are in the building and who am I?I tell you about it.My name is Mishka and we live in medium house and I am a leader of alpha dog.My other friend will be in the story later.After I saw buddy the bloodhound got catnapped he was stare at my eyes like nothing happened then he left to do his job and meet our house to see us in after he is finish the job."This is why the boys see me in my eyes."After we train to battle the cats and you might think that two cats came that are not evil.You are right two cats are not evil when I explain my story they will help me.One cat is a boy is name Charles he is a black cat and one cat is a girl name Fuji and she is a ginger cat.Few.mintues later we play hunting game from the anchors wild animal is wolf.I saw my human friend play nintendogs and cats it's her favorite games.Now the next thing that my friend goes to get two puppy and that's when we prepared for family member  we had been practicing and we made new weapons for them to use it by any time then we waiting for them to come and it will be the best time ever for everyone welcome here.While Mishka think something about another dog see me and stare into my eyes but never mind with that.We heard Fuji and Charles talk about evil leader cat who is name Mr Tinkles who lead the cats invade the whole world.

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