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The love story of Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson will forever be alive, even after decades, just like the fictional love story, Romeo-Juliet. 

I love y'all! Happy reading on this beautiful day. (: xxx


"Hello, Harry!" Dr. Malik greeted with a smile.

"Hey, doc!" Harry dragged the chair in front of the doctor's table and made himself comfortable on it.

"Didn't Louis come with you?"

"He came but he said he's wait outside so I can talk freely to you. I told him it's okay for him to be there but he refused." Harry shrugged and looked down at his hands with regret written all over his face. Dr. Malik noticed this.

"Oh, okay. Did something happened after that?" The doctor asked carefully not to set his patient on an episode.

"I- um... I-uh- I yelled at him and he cried. That's why I'm a bit late to the appointment." Harry explained as he bit on his bottom lip to will his tears away.

"Hey, it's alright. He knows that you didn't mean to." Dr. Malik soothed.

"That's the problem, doc! He knows that I don't do anything to be mean to him and he goes through it all because of me! He's just my boyfriend. He doesn't have to be tied up to my fucked up soul." Harry banged his fist against the table.

"I get that but he's the one to make that decision, isn't he?" The doctor asked calmly.

"Yeah." Harry sighed before looking out of the large window by his right.

"Well, I'm gonna go with the basics again if that's okay with you." Zayn spoke up after giving Harry some time to calm down.

"Yeah, sure." Harry nodded.


"He gave me different meds." Harry said as he gnawed at his bottom lip.

"That's good!" Louis smiled wide at him like he's a kid who won an award. "Let's head home." Louis leaned over and kissed Harry's cheek before starting the car.

"Can we get something to eat?" Harry asked.

"Sure, love."

Louis pulled the car to the drive-thru of McDonald's and ordered for both himself and Harry knowing what his boyfriend needs by heart. Once they got their food, they drove down the roads to their home.

"Uh- Lou?" Harry called out once they're changed and settled on their couch to watch a movie till both of their shifts start.

"Yes?" Louis turned to give Harry his full attention.

"I want to visit mom." Harry said biting on this bottom lip.

"That's a great idea! I think Liam wouldn't mind me taking a leave for couple of days." Louis stated.

"Thanks, boo." Harry kissed his boyfriend's cheek and hugged him but Louis felt like Harry has more to tell.

"What's it?" Louis asked.

"I- uh- I lashed out at her for something small day before yesterday and you remember the incident that day. I was just angry at her and that's why I hit you for no reason. I have forgotten to decline the call and she has heard our fight until she couldn't take it anymore and hung up." Harry explained and he can already feel himself starting to shake in fear. He can go to jail if it was someone else who heard he abuse his boyfriend.

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