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It's a funny thing time. We always think we'll have more of it. Every day we put things off telling ourselves that we'll have time to do it later. Most of the time that's true but we all eventually run out of time. I wonder if at the end we have time to think of all the time lost or we just fade away.

For all the sins that we humans have committed taking time for granted may just be the one committed most frequently. Everyone has done it and most people do it every day more than once a day. True there are those who live every day to the fullest never wasting a moment of time. When they go they won't have to wonder if they could have done more with their time. They will know without a doubt that they used every moment of their time. Not all of us are that lucky. Not all of us can say that we make the most of our short time here on earth.

A couple weeks ago I never thought about time or how much I would have of it. I just assumed like everyone else that I would have more of it. In fact I probably will have more of it. It's not anything that has happened to me that has caused me to think about the wasting of time. It's what happened to Him. I met him when I was seventeen, I was fighting in an illegal fighting ring and he decided that I was going to lose the fight I was in. The thing about the fights is you have to make your opponent think that you're done, they have to think that you don't have any more fight in you. That's what I was doing when He stepped in. When I say stepped I mean he literally stepped into the ring grabbed my opponent put pressure on a point in her neck and she went down like a bag of rocks.

From then on he appointed himself my guardian angel. Now that may seem like a cool thing, I mean who doesn't want a good looking guy watching over you. Honestly I wouldn't have minded if only he would have been content to protect me from a distance; he wasn't. He would intervene and screw things up on a regular basis and it annoyed the hell out of me.

People. They are another thing that we take for granted; always thinking that we'll have more time with them. Always thinking that they'll be with us. We know that eventually they'll die but we secretly hope that we'll go first so that we don't have to go through the pain of losing them.

That's what I thought I always thought that I would go first not him. That's the way it was supposed to be. He could handle losing me he would be able to go one after I was gone. It's not the same for me, if he died I couldn't keep going. I know what you're thinking, everyone says that they can't survive the loss of a loved one but him he's more than that. He's more than a loved one to me he saved me in more ways than one. He's good and noble and for someone that good to die before someone as reckless and selfish as me. That would extinguish any hope that I had left that there's any justice in this world.

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