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The nominations the next day was "counted." Not. Ms. Bai Qi was disappointed that most of the students just turned in the slips of paper blank.

"Su Ling. Please stand up." Ms. Bai Qi ordered. I stood up, wondering what will happen. "Su Ling, you will be this class's president. Everyone clap." 

The students start clapping while I froze in shock. "What?? How? I don't think anyone chose me." I said aloud. 

"You got it because by looking at your grades in middle school and hearing what your previous teachers thought about you, I figured you are best for the class. You can step down from the position if you don't feel comfortable later on but not immediately. I would like you to try this out." 

"Okay, Ms. Qi." I accepted the position.

"For vice president, I did not choose a person for this and since nobody really nominated each other on the slips of paper, anyone can nominate themselves." Ms. Bai Qi said. In the end, Hua Ming became vice president. 

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