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"I regret to inform you of the death of Mme. Adele-that is, your past lover..."

"I do not need an explanation. I do not need notification. I need only for you and all other to acknowledge the disastrous and permanent ending to our relationship. Her life is of no concern to me, I assure you, Henri."

"I acknowledge that sir, however you must understand a highly abstruse and tiny detail in this sudden death-"

"I care not. If your intentions are to resume this conversation regarding...her, I mean Adele...I beg you farewell."

"Your time is too precious to spare, sir. However, her death is in opposition to your well being. If you would listen to my words of admonishment and give up your adamancy, your wealth, fortune, and good name will be saved."

"You have my attention. Continue, for the love of my affluence."

"Sir...Gregory...Faremone rediit ad ultionem..."

And as he uttered those words, he fell to the ground, twitching like a dying fish, his screams of pain echoing through the hall. 

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