My first day of school

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Jaymee' s P.O.V.


As I gazed out the window, I swallowed back a sick feeling and walked off behind Maddie. As we exited the bus, we were greeted by the welcoming committee. They had a huge orange and brown banner that read "WELCOME NEW BRUINS!" The Bruins were our school mascot. As I walked over towards the door, the cheerleaders gave me a nasty glare looking at my outfit in disgust. I looked up and down at there outfits, looked back at them and smirked.

"Haha got the cheer leading snobs on the first day!! Nice!!" Maddie said as we continued walking across the freshly cut grass lawn.

"Mission complete!!" I said laughing. I gazed around the giant school until a certain boy caught my eye. He looked a bit lost holding a school map in his hands scanning his sighting. His gaze landed on me and I smiled. I walked over to him. I knew him.

"Oh my goodness Chris I thought you said you were moving to Ohio?" I said beaming with joy as I hugged my boyfriend.

"We moved by the border so I can still drive here!!" He said. He hugged me back and I buried my head in his shoulder. I could smell his soft minty cologne.

"What is your first class?" I asked him pulling out of the hug. He looked at his schedule.

"Language Arts." He said frowning. I frowned to as I looked at my schedule.

"Social Studies." I said.

"Darnit!!!" He said. 

A few minutes of awkward silence later, Maddie came running and caught up with us.

"Hey Jaymee I  need to tell you something," she said out of breath.

"Okay I'll meet you at the doors." I said.

"Ok umm  Chris guess I'll see you later." I said waving.

"Ok I'll sit next to you at lunch." He said waving  back with a smile on his face. I smiled back and then ran to the doors to meet Maddie.

I met Maddie at the doors and her cheeks were the color of roses.

"Are you embarrassed about something?'' I asked her.

"Well, yes a little bit. I mean come on! I'm pretty much the only girl in high school who doesn't have a boyfriend. Now how does that happen?" She said. Her eyes started watering.

"Oh Maddie it's okay! I only had a boyfriend since 8th grade! You'll be find and I'm sure that you'll find someone who you are interested in. Thats how I found Chris!" I said hugging her.

"Thanks Jaymee, your the best friend I could ever ask for!" She said wiping the small tears off of her face.

As we stepped through the doors, we were greeted by the loud voices of popular kids, teenagers, nerds. fashionista, divas, and the popular group. We probably fit in to the Normal group. The Warning bell rang and me and Maddie rushed to our lockers, which were luckily right next to each other. I quickly unlocked it and it exposed my books, notebooks, and schedule. First class: Social Studies. I grabbed my book, notebook, and pencil and ran to room 173.


After 30 minutes of American history, I exited the room and walked to my locker. I placed my Social Studies book and notebook back into the locker. I took a look to my right to see if Maddie was there, but she wasn't. I took a peek at my left to see if she was there she was still not there. I kept searching until I found her flirting with a boy named Lukas. He is the most popluar kid in the school and he was talking to my best friend. Crazy how some things turn out.

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