Meeting the Hokage

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As Team Seven, came upon the mahogany doors from the south section of the Kohonagakure no Sato, all four breathed a sigh of relief while Hatake Kakashi took a moment to truly inspect his charge, Naruto Uzumaki who just recently gained a girlfriend from Takigakure no Sato, where they helped defeat Suien before he could get through with his coup against Shibuki. Again, running his left hand through his hair, he couldn't believe that Fu had helped Naruto get decent shinobi clothes, clothes which were sealed into a scroll by Kakashi who handed it to Naruto and explained what they were. When team 7 first saw him, they thought he was an imposter but the attitude Naruto displayed made them relax as Kakashi took in as Naruto was now walking with a spring in his step.

Naruto now wore a dark blue hoodie that was covering his shirt, a camouflage shirt with baggy but firm snow camo pants with his kunai holster and shuriken pouch, the Uzumaki swirl was still in the hoodie as well as Naruto having the Shodaime necklace still attached. Sakura was now explaining to Naruto why tactics were so important, with Naruto just looking nonchalantly with Sasuke rolling his eyes, a wry smirk on his face as Naruto just nearly exploded but keep himself contained as Kakashi clapped gaining all their attention.

"Alright, now my cute little genin, I know you must feel like going home right now, but we must debrief the Kage about both the coup and Naruto's…girlfriend." Here an embarrassed howl was heard from Naruto as Sakura and Sasuke were struggling to hold in their snickers, "Oh, hush you two, since you two were more skilled in tracking and foraging, you two should have been able to find him and help pick out clothes for missions, along with recognizing that hewas missing." Snickers from Sasuke and Sakura stopped as Naruto started to giggle before stopping as they all reached the Hokage tower.

Entering after being called in by the Hokage, Tsunade Senju looked up with a raised eyebrow as she looked over the assembled squad before swiping a vicious tiger looking stare at Hatake Kakashi who just had an eye smile as he started his report "Team 7, reporting completed C-rank turned A-rank Escort mission to Takigakure no Sato. Upon arrival to the village, we meet with two village guards who told Shibuki about an incident occurring within his council, he looked to me for guidance before I swayed him back to his two guards who asked of my help as I told my genin that they could assist with a d-rank cleaning," Here a pointed look from Kakashi was given to both Sasuke and Naruto as they had shocked expressions and sounds of surprise while Sakura giggled with Tsunade raising an eyebrow in amusement while leaning on the desk. "while they were cleaning, Sakura told me an injured lady had appeared next to the kids who were helping Naruto and Sasuke with the cleaning as a kunai was stuck in her back. Sakura treated her, while a couple ninja, at least 13 or 14, bearing a slashed Taki headband appeared." Hatake paused as a shocked look appeared on Tsunade's face as she glanced at the three with concern visible on her face as her honey eyes searched over them. All three rookie's eyes softened before Tsunade let out a sigh of relief, she formerly gestured all four of them to follow her as she led them to a room with a conference table, some relaxing chairs and another ninja waiting for the report as Tsunade dismissed them while she started writing before pausing as Naruto was now sitting upright in his chair with Sasuke slouching as Sakura was now at full attention as Kakashi coughed putting attention on him.

"As I was still dealing with some recon and information gathering, those three engaged the enemy with Sakura and Sasuke easily taken out as Naruto was with Shibuki, correct?" Here, Sasuke scowled while Sakura made a strangled noise and a nod from Naruto who now had an arm lazy slinging on the back of the chair as he started talking about the encounter with some hesitation.

"Yeah, after Sasuke was taken out easily, Shibuki identified 'em easily as all of them were former Taki shinobi under Shibuki's dad's reign, apparently they disappeared after a couple months into Shibuki leading Taki, don't know why though, anyway Shibuki led me to something called the 'Sacred Lake', that's literally what he called it, and got something called 'The Hero's Water', it really amplified his chakra, did of like what I can do Sasuke, and apparently while Shibuki fought Suien, Sakura rescued the kids and elderly that Suien's group took hostage to draw out Shibuki and…Fu, they wanted to use both the Hero's Water and Fu as a means to become the Sixth Powerful Hidden Village, after Sakura freed the people Sasuke and I worked together to take down the remaining nuke-nin as Shibuki lost to Suien, Sasuke and I tag teamed him, we won, stayed a couple days, got new threads, saw a couple of things…andIgotmyselfagirlfriendofthatvillagesopleasedon'tkillmebaa-chan!" Naruto said all this with a calm tone as Tsunade had both her eyebrows now in her hairline as her gaze went into Naruto like lion hunting for food.

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