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A/N: I love my gay nerd babies.

Ymir walks into the Miss. Zoe's chemistry class, heading to the lab table in the back corner. She sits alone waiting for class to start, doodling in her notebook. It's not really surprising that no one wants to sit with her, she has been with most of these kids since kindergarten and they usually avoided her because she's an asshole. At least there are her best friends Jean, Bertolt, Reiner, and Annie, and her siblings Ilse, and Marco, but sadly none of them have the same chemistry class as her so she is completely alone this period.

She twirls her pencil in her hand and ends up dropping it, so she leans down to pick it up.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice above her asks.

As she sits up to see who it is she hits her head on the table, "Ow, Shit." She grumbles, but ends up freezing up like an idiot as she meets two big blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" The small blonde asks.

"Uh Yeah, I'm good. You need something?" Ymir asks as she rubs her sore head.

"Are you sure you're okay? You hit your head pretty hard."

"Yeah I'm sure. I have a thick skull. Wait no..."

The blonde giggles and holy shitballs, she is the most beautiful person Ymir has ever seen.
Is it possible to fall for some on in a single conversation that isn't even five minutes long?

"Is this seat taken?"

"No. No, it's free." Ymir says hoping it didn't come of as desperate.

The blonde smiles and sits next to the brunette, "Thanks."

"So are you new around here?" Ymir asks.

"Yeah. I just moved here with my mom. Oh my god I haven't even introduced myself, I'm Krista."

"Ymir." The brunette says with a smile.

Suddenly Miss. Zoe bursts in excitedly, "Hello everyone! I hope you like the seats you've chosen cause that where you'll be sitting for the rest of the year!"

Ymir looks over at Krista and smiles, "Well Krista, looks like we're lab partners."


"Sounds like someone has a crush." Jean says with a teasing smirk.

"Who has a crush?" Marco asks as he and Ilse sit on either side of their sister.

Annie smirks from her seat, "Ymir has a crush on her new lab partner."

Ymir glares at Annie and Jean, "We just met today."

Ilse smiles at her sister, "I don't hear you denying that have a crush on her."

Ymir groans and bangs her head against the table. Reiner reaches over stealing one of Ymir's fries as he and Bertolt sit, "How's it hanging, fellow Homos?"

"Ymir has a crush." Marco says.

Bertolt smiles, "Aw.

Reiner laughs loudly, "Our little baby dyke is growing up."

"How about you shut it." Ymir grunts.

"Oh Ymir you have to ask her out!" Marco says with a smile.

"She's probably not even gay."

Annie snorts, "Most people in this school are gay."

"Oh you should use that one pick up line you used while you were practicing talking to girls in the mirror last night ." Ilse says excitedly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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