Equius- the quiet days

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It wasn't long ago when you first moved in with equius. At first you looked into bunking with eridan, but then you remembered how annoying he could be. Gamzee was already staying with karkat and a few others so that was also out of the court. Equius being the kind troll he was offered to let you stay with him as long as you helped him out every so often on his projects. He didn't ask often though and it was mainly just testing if the thing worked or not; which more often than not it did until his STRONG hands got alittle too excited. To say the least , you were happy to stay around the blue blood, he was sweet and very helpful when you needed him. Hell, sometimes you would cuddle up to him on the couch while watching tv just to see him get all nervous and sweaty. He always kept a towel on him at all times so it wasn't like he was going to sweat on you, but you had to admit his natural scent was kind of hot.

It had been a few days since equius had asked you to test something for him, normally by now he would have something made or have brought over a new invention but today he hadn't done that at all. You weren't complaining though since his birthday- or rather; wigglingday was coming up fast. You had started building a small pony statue from some scrap metal with tools equius had let you borrow. You made sure to hide what you were working on whenever you left your room or any time you weren't working on it. You were just about done welding the last puff of hair onto the figurine when your phone went off with a pesterchum message.

——-(ArsenicCatnip [AC] started pestering ChumHandle [CH] )——-

AC: :33 < greetings ____ what are mew doing?

AC: :33 < *ac wags her tail in excitment* everyone's planning to go to the main hive fur equius's wiggling day would mew like to come?

CH: I'd love to, I was just working on the gift I'm giving him, he's in his workshop and hasn't really come out to ask me to test anything for a while so I think he's working on something big.

CH: I'll make sure we get there even if I have to drag him outside

AC: :33 < purfect i'll bring snacks and you bring equius, i'll let karkitty kmeow

——-(ArsenicCatnip [AC] ceased pestering ChumHandle [CH] )——-

Nepeta , the kind and always thoughtful moirail. Everyone was going to gather at the main hive then, good thing his wiggling day falls on a weekend so no one had anything particular to do. Specially not college or work; but that made you wonder. Did that mean everyone was also going to give equius a gift? What if someone else got him a pony figurine and he didn't like yours. In truth, you were flush for him as the trolls would say and you had poured your feelings into this one small figurine. Even though it was about two inches in height; it meant a lot in your heart and it meant more for equius to love it too. You wanted him to know how you felt but you were much too shy. I mean , you knew the only one he ever had red feelings for was aradia and she had gone off with sollux sweeps ago.

Hiding the pony you put the tools down and dragged your body out of your desk chair and onto your feet. You wondered what he could be doing t this time in the evening so you decided to go check. You carefully walked the halls of your home in search of the blue blood making your way to his workshop first, no one was there. In fact it looks like he had finished work early today since his tools were neatly put away. The next best place was his room, so you headed there asap before you knew it you were at his door but before you could knock you heard strange grunting sound coming from within. It kind of sounded like he was working out which he often did in his room so you didnt hesitate to just open the door.

Of course, your mind was more innocent than you thought once your eyes set upon his erect bulge dripping with a luminescent slime substance in his beefy hand. He sat there looking over at you from under his sunglasses with he darkest blood blush you had ever seen on his face before. He had froze, and you froze too just kind of locking eyes with him as your face turned bright red. He started to sweat and you slowly backed out of the door way closing the door as you did so. Once the door was shut you quickly headed back to your room and threw yourself into your bed without any other thought but equius and his thick bulge dripping onto his desk chair. The thought drove you wild and you felt your hand slip into your pants slowly while whispering " equius". your hand gripped onto your length and began stroking it gently, it was already slightly aroused by the sight you had seen so it didnt take much more to get it hard. " oh shit, i wish i could touch him right now." You whispered unaware of the fact that after you had seen him in the act he cleaned up and headed straight for your room to apologize only to be met with your soft voice whispering his name through the doorway; and oh boy did that get his bulge wiggling he couldnt help but do the same again, in fact he had been thinking of you in his room and was cursing himself for doing such acts to thoughts of you before you walked in on him.

Homestuck x male!readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα