Know What Fuck Itt😂

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OKAY SO MY FRIEND KEEPS BITCHING ABOUT THIS GIRL who doesn't actually like him but she's using him and his dumbass can't see it. LISTEN HERE! Yall need to fucking stop. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW PERFECT YOU ARE?! Idc if I don't know you irl, you, the one specific individual reading this. You ___(insert name here) are absolutely amazing, you are the only one exactly like you, no one can be a better you than you. Do NOT let people walk over you. You don't need to be accepted by alot of people, I accept you. Accept yourself. Fuck people man, they aren't permanent. You are the only permanent thing in your life Besides if your religious. Please don't let people walk over you, you're bringing your ranking down if you do that, be yourself, be happy, happiness is all in your mind, if you choose it you will be it.
(for girl) you are so beautiful, you're body is SPOT ONNNN, you're smile is breathtaking, youre eyes are gorgeous, you smell better than 1000 roses on a fresh spring day. Here's a little advice though, if you think you're worthless, so will the next man you date, but if you KNOW who you are and how amazing you are, your man will treat you like the Queen you are. You are beautiful shup up.

(for boy) Dude you are HELLA HANDSOME, you're built hot as heckkk and you have the most amazing facial structure and you're voice is amazing. Don't let girls take advantage of you. You are great. You are perfect.

Please guys and girls.... Don't let people use you...

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