chapter 1

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Growing up, I've always assumed that every bad thing that could possibly happen to me will happen on a Monday.

But now, I've come to a conclusion that the possible worst case scenario that can happen in my life.... can happen on a fucking Tuesday.

I can feel my eyes twitching as I tried to bite back a sigh and opted on just rewinding the events and activities I did a few days ago that can possibly lead to....

To having seven guns pointed at me.

Today's a Tuesday, so let's start on Tuesday last week.

Went on a meeting that day, ate a lot after, killed a man on Thursday that week and pigged out the remaining days.

Biting my lip, I can feel my eyes twitch again in annoyance because I did nothing to end up in a situation this fucked up.

Despite being a hitman and being in this dirty job for probably more than a decade now, I'm human, I'm not some goddamn marvel super hero that can escape seven bullets all at once.

I know making a single step can lead to seven bullets buried inside my head.

Not being able to hold it in anymore, I let out a deep sigh. We were in the middle of nowhere, alongside a road that's seemingly nobody knows about.

Long story short, I was scouting this area for future reference when I got ambushed, nearly got killed three fucking times and then ended up in the middle of the road with seven men, each holding a gun.

Glancing down at my watch and realizing that it's only been fifteen minute since that tragic capture of the best hitman to ever be born, I was still in the middle of processing the events when the sound of an incoming car snapped me out of it.

Blinking a few times and squinting to see that there is indeed a black car coming towards this direction.

Glancing a look at the men surrounding me, I can only mentally pity whoever is in that car because he/she will sure get it.

But that thought was quickly dismissed as the car approaches, soon reaching us and...

It's a fucking Lamborghini.

Either the unluckiest person today is hella rich or whoever is inside that car is their leader.

And of course, with karma eating my ass it was the latter.

I watch two more men wearing black suits exit the car, standing aside as another man, younger than any of them, get out.

And today is just a mixture of badluck and weirdness.

Because the person standing infront of me is in no way a year or two older than me.

And I'm nineteen.

I watch the corner of his lips curl up and I quickly mentally prepared myself for what's about to come.

"Finally met the person who killed my men" I was slightly taken aback by his voice. Usually these kinds of people has that annoying kind of deep and 'husky' voice they put on to be intimidating or show their 'authority' and 'power'. But his, in any way does not fit in that category.

His voice was deep but not that annoying kind where you can't understand anything anymore, no, his was deep and admittedly... sexy.


I let a smirk play its way into my lips as I ignored what my brain just said.

"Any proof?" I asked, feigning innocence as I cocked my head to the side.

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