Chapter Four: Truth

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When Keith finally woke up Shiro attacked him in a bear hug.

"Oh thank gods your awake"

"Ya....ummmm....were am I and what happened?"

That's when Keith looked down and saw the bandage that was covering his wrist. That's when everything came flooding back to his mind, his dream and how he went to find Shiro as soon as he woke up. He remembered the look of his teammates faces when they saw the deep cut bleeding from his wrist. He remembers how he passed out as soon as Coran cut the bracelet off.

That's when Keith started freaking out, he realized he didn't have the bracelet on anymore.

"Shiro were is my bracelet. I need to put it on now, they're gonna get hurt."

"Keith calm down, Coran had to cut it off in order to help you. We'll figure something out but right now you need to rest."

"No I need to make sure they don't get hurt again!"

"Keith listen to me, you need to rest. When you wake up we'll talk to Pidge and Coran and see what they can do. But until then sleep."

As soon as Shiro said that Keith imediantly felt like he could sleep for a thousand years. Finally Keith closed his eyes and went into a deep sleep were no dream or sound could wake him.

3 varga later

Keith woke up with a major headache, when he looked around he saw Shiro, Pidge, and Coran talking on how to fix the bracelet. Allura was checking Keith's vitals and Hunk was next to him smiling, once he saw Keith was awake.

"Keith! Your awake! Guys Keith's awake!"

"Uggg...I have a major headache."

"That is because you haven't eaten anything yet." Allura explains.

"Here until we can get you a meal, snack on this." Hunk handed him some food goe he was saving for Keith.

But befor Keith could take a bite he realized that Lance wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Were is Lance?"

"I think his room. He hasn't come out since you came in." Pidge said. "Keith what happened, we were really worried and you looked really scared."

Keith realized Shiro hasn't told Hunk or Pidge yet. And he knew they deserved to know, they are a team after all. So Keith told them everything, how his father died in front of his eyes, how there was two thugs that almost killed his soulmate, and how Gabe raped him.

Hunk started crying since he just found out that one of his buddy's went through that alone. And Pidge looked like she was gonna murder someone right there and then.

But befor Keith could say anything else, he saw Lance come in.

He looked horrible. His hair was a mess and his eyes were blood shot red as if he's been crying.

Keith got up immediately because he sensed something was wrong with Lance and he was right.

"Keith you have a soulmate right?"

"Um ya I do, but they don't deserve to have me as there soulmate."

"Why is that?" Lanced looked Keith straight in the eyes when he said that. All Keith could see was anger and pain.

Befor Lance said anything, he looked down and saw Keith's bandaged up wrist. And Then he saw the bracelet Pidge had in her hands.

"Why doesn't your soulmate deserve you? Did they hurt you?"

"Yes. In a way."


"Why does this matter right now Lance?"

"Just answer the god damn question Keith!" Lance yelled in anger.

"They took my pain over and over again and because of them they made my life a living hell. Plus they pit themselves in danger."

"What if they were just trying to help."

"Well they didn't. Why should you even care not like you went through the same thing I did."

"Wanna bet. Because of them I almost died. Because of them I have skin that is not longer beautiful." Lance was now crying streams of tears.

Keith started thinking of Lances words, and how he almost killed his soulmate. That got him thinking "what if" but in order for him to prove himself his thoughts are wrong he had to see Lances scars.

He realized Lance didn't have his jacket on, which was nice since it would be easier for him to prove his point.

"Take off your shirt." Keith said firmly, he would not let go of his eye contact. And it seemed Lance wasn't going to either.

In a flash Lance threw his shirt onto the ground and showed him his scars.

"I bet you recognize then huh. After all your the one that did them." Lance was watching Keith with anger and hatered.

Lance was right. Keith did recognized them, they were the scars the thugs did. He saw the words "DIE!" Carved in his arm, and he saw the marks they did for fun. But when Keith looked lower he saw a deep cut from his wrist.

Keith's eyes widen. And all the memories of that day came back to him.

"What else did you feel?" Keith's voice was shaken in fear as well as his body.

"Nothing. I was in the hospital bed asleep . Why, did you do more things to hurt me?" Lances voice was dangerous and scary.

"You shouldn't have taken any of my pain. You should have just left me alone like everyone else." Keith was angry now, the guy he loves is his soulmate. But the worst part is he had to deal with the pain that should of been Keiths. He had to deal with the fact he almost died because of Keith.

"I was young and I wanted to help the person that has the biggest bond with me. Goddamnit Keith I was only fourteen and you tried to kill me. Its your fault I almost died. Did you even think about me?"

Keith spoke in a quiet voice, but loud enough for Lance and everyone else to hear.

"Your right it is my fault. If only I didn't kill my dad he would still be alive and the thugs would not of found me. If only I was strong enough to take my pain back. If only it was me who would of almost died from that cut. If only I didn't go back to that house just so I can get raped for being gay. Lance I know it's my fault and I'm sorry." Keith's face was streaming with tears. He finally looked at Lance again and saw a mix of emotions.

"Keith what do you mean?" Lance sounded more gentle but there was still anger in his voice.

But before Keith could answer he saw Gabe coming at him. With that evil look in his eyes yelling at Keith to get in the bed.

Keith screamed and ran into the nearest corner he could find. Everyone including Lance rushed up to him to see what was going on. And as soon as Lance touched him he fell into a deep, deep sleep.

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