Black-Bellied Dad Chapter 2

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News of Xu He Jun having a child soon spreads throughout the entire building.

"People really aren't how they seem!"

"Still, this is too sudden!"

"Xiao Dai knows about it too, how pitiful!"

"Don't you know, this morning Su Xiao Dai arrived in Weng Yu Jie's car!"

"Are you for real? She's already found someone?"

"Aiya! When you come across this type of thing, the faster you leave the better! Also, Weng Yu Jie's circumstances are way better than Xu He Jun's." Though you can't say the same for his character.

"That's right!"

"So, whose child is it?"

"I've heard that it's an enigma ... even the person involved doesn't know."

"Bullshit, when does this sort of thing ever happen?"

*Hah—Clunk!* Xu He Jun arrives at the company early, surrounded by the curious glances and hushed whispers of colleagues buzzing around him like flies.

Squeezing the bridge of his nose, even without thinking, he knows who had talked.

He has since realized a single father's circumstances are even worse than that of a single mother... at least most of these single mothers knew who fathered their child! But what about him and his poor baby?

"Xu He Jun," the demoness calls from inside, "come into my office."

His face immediately becomes pained.

He enters the general manager's office as usual, gently pushing open the door, sensing a chilling aura from within.

Ah, his pitiful life...

A 6 metre square office, flanked by two simple black walnut bookcases, with a deliberately high ceiling designed to make the room seem more spacious. At the very centre is a neat black desk, and the demoness... eh, no, the general manager, sitting behind it. Once she sees him, she moves the light shielding screen to the side...

Her eyes are so piercing that she doesn't even need to draw her eyebrows since they're defined enough as they are. Today her long, straight black hair is pulled back into a meticulous ponytail. The professional suits she wears always seemed new, giving a bright and energetic feel. He's long thought that once the demoness returns home, she'll still maintain her battle form, so that at any given moment, she'll be ready for combat.

She probably doesn't even have pyjamas! He wryly thinks.

"Where's the child?"

Eh, to be asked so directly, Xu He Jun is momentarily startled.

Huang Shang Rong flicks the pen in her hand, bluntly addressing the main point, "The entire office is flaring up over the news. Even without asking I'll know the gist of it. Tell me, what do you plan on doing with the child?"

What does he plan on doing? Honestly, even he doesn't know. He's never thought about these things before. Moreover, the one asking isn't anyone else but his direct superior.

What business is this of hers?

Seeing the blank look on his face, Huang Shang Rong asks more forcefully, "And the child? Where are you keeping him now?"

"At the nanny's home."

Her knitted brow slightly loosens, but her eyes are still fixed on him, "then in the future, do you plan on just leaving him with the nanny?"

"I have to work and there's no one to care for him. I can only spend more money and employ a nanny to look after him."

Huang Shang Rong knits her brow again. "Do you know how much it costs to hire a nanny for a month? How do you plan on paying for this expense?"

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