14 | Discovering Elliott

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[ chapter fourteen ] discovering elliott

Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life

☆ ☆ ☆

Hours turned into days and soon Max had fallen into a pattern of completely avoiding Mike. Max knew that Mike hadn't meant what he said in the courtyard but that didn't mean she was ok with it. What he said had hurt, a lot more than it should have. As the days passed it became slightly easier for her to push aside her feelings. If there was one thing Maxine Mayfield was good at, it was avoiding things, especially things that affected her on an emotional level. So life went on and Max although hurt, kept her head held high and carried on because that's the only thing she could do.

The bell had just rung, signaling the end of the period and the beginning of lunch. Max strolled out of her classroom pausing when she heard her name being shouted. She slowed down looking over her shoulder before her eyes widened at the sight of Mike Wheeler walking towards her. Hastily she quickened her pace trying to lose him in the crowd of hungry teenagers, she heard him yell again,

"Cmon Max! We're going to the same place!"

She ignored him walking into the lunchroom and sitting down at their usual lunch table. A second later he joined her, dropping his bags down to sit next to her.

"How long are you gonna ignore me for? You know I didn't mean it." Mike said waving his hand in front of Max's face in an attempt to get her attention.

She squinted her eyes, irritated at his hand in front of her face, but otherwise kept her mouth shut.

He huffed, "Fine. Don't talk to me, El can't be mad if you chose to ignore me."

Max now turned to fully face him, her eyebrows scrunched in anger. If there was one thing she hated more than her family life it was people being forced to talk to her.

"So your only talking to me now because El forced you to? Do you not even have an ounce of guilt Wheeler?"

"What? No that's not what I said. When did I ever say that?"

"It was implied!"

They were both yelling rather loudly at each other now, their constant bickering going unnoticed by hardly a few. Their argument came to an end when Annika sat down on the other side of Max and pulled her into a conversation about the upcoming musical. However, Max could still feel Mike's intense glare at the back of her head as she talked to the girl beside her and she made sure to give Mike a few dirty glances.

Lunch had just ended and Micheal Wheeler found himself walking alongside Will towards their next class. They where just about to enter their classroom when Mike felt a forceful pull on his hand and suddenly he was inside the AV club room.

"What the hell, Will!" Mike groaned, pulling his wrist away from Will's death grip.

"I saw what happened at lunch between you and Max. Why would you say El made you apologize? She doesn't even know what happened!"

Mike scowled, "I know ok! I just thought if I told her someone else made me do it, things would go back to the way things used to be."

"Why can't you just apologize and become friends with her?" Will questioned, confused by Mike's logic.

"Because-beca- I don't know! It's easier this way, why do you care anyway? Why do I even care? I don't. I don't care."

Will watched as his friend went through a series of emotions. He could tell something was holding Mike back, he didn't even have a reason for not being nice to Max. El was back so that wasn't a reason for Mikes constant bitterness towards the girl. The only plausible reason he could come up with was that Mike was scared, but even then what was he scared of?

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