Gavin is a little bitch (lmao)

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Once the two detectives were back at the office, it was time to relax and drink coffee. 

Gavin was trying to ignore Conan as much as possible, but it didn't help that their desks were facing each other. Conan was so hard to ignore for some reason. He just... drew you in for some reason. The dark, slicked back hair, his soft pale blue eyes, the clean suit. Gavin quickly looked down at his work, his face a slight pink as he scribbled some things on some papers. Conan had this sort of aura around him that Gavin couldn't seem to ignore. He was powerful, independent, cold, intelligent...

Samantha... Reed shuddered at the thought of her. He hates Samantha. How many times does he have to say that over and over in his head? If that bitch wants to walk out with the cat then FINE she can! He doesn't need her! He's a cop, he's a man, he doesn't need some woman around to kiss him goodnight and-

"Gavin, for fucks sake!" Hank snapped, shoving his chair with his foot. Gavin flinched and quickly looked up. 

"S-Sorry, the fuck do you want?" He huffed, shoving some papers aside and drinking his coffee.

Hank said, "You gonna clock out or are you actually going to stay late and get shit done like the rest of us." Gavin blinked. He looked at Conan, then to his papers, and then looked back at Hank.

"For your information, asshole, I have to work on this important case. So, yes, I'm staying late." Gavin sat up in his seat and got to work. Hank rolled his eyes and left.

Conan said, "I appreciate you staying late, but a little less staring would help."

"Shut it." Gavin muttered, except he didn't say that. He stayed silent and worked.

Gavin wished he knew why Conan had such power over him. The android just had some kind of aura around him that made Reed get all choked up. Whenever he wanted to snap at him, all he could do was glare and continue working. Even when Conan smirked when Gavin spilled his coffee on his jacket! All Gavin could do was scoff and stumble off the grab napkins! 

Reed decided to just blame it on Cyberlife technology. There's no way I'm actually freaked out by him right? He's just some... some android. A fancy, tall, scary fucking android. Gavin glanced at the clock. It was almost ten. A lot of people had clocked out, but Conan was still working. Reed sighed and pushed his work aside, tucking it into a folder and standing up with his coffee and car keys.

"You gonna sit there all night, tin can?" Gavin finally managed to get out as he headed to the door. Conan didn't reply, he just kept working on papers and analyzing information. Reed looked back. He looked at the office at the front of the room to see that even Fowler was gone. Gavin asked, "Wait, do you... Where do you live, dumbass?"

Conan replied, "I don't have a house. I stay here and work. I only require one hour of sleep before I can start back up in working order, so usually-"

"You don't sleep for more than an hour?" Gavin scoffed, as if he had a perfect sleeping schedule and wasn't an emotional wreck. Conan was about to answer but thunder began outside. You could hear rain starting to pour harder and harder outside. Quickly, Reed blurted out, "Do you wanna come home with me? Just for tonight?"

It was an awkward invitation, and neither of them were sure who was meant to benefit from it. Conan sighed and began packing up his things. He made one more cup of coffee before grabbing the spare coat and heading after Reed.

Gavin drove a very nice car that he could barely afford. The reason he stayed in such a shitty apartment was so he could afford the beautiful car and clothes. Gavin got in the front, awkwardly waiting for Conan to get in. He said, "So, did Connor's model need sleep? Er- does it need sleep?"

Conan did a quick search through Cyberlife files. He had access to everything the company had ever created. He nodded. "It needed at least eight hours of sleep for charging and reloading. It was also a good time to visit-..." Conan blinked, as if hitting some sort of wall in his actions. He shook his head and continued, "He does need at least eight hours, but after analyzing Connor, I've noticed he doesn't get more than five."

Reed said, "Well, he probably gets that from Hank. Fucking dumbass stays up all night."

"How do you know that?" Conan asked, a little knowing smirk. Gavin realized what that implied and scoffed, his face turning a bright red.

"Not for the reasons you're implying, you plastic prick!" Reed sneered as he stopped at a light. He turned the windshield wipers up a level, annoyed with the rain and thunder. Every time the lightning flashed he would have to close his eyes and calm down. He hoped Conan hadn't noticed yet. 

Conan sighed, "Where do you live anyway? I feel like we're going further and further down into Detroit suburbs."

"Everything is a suburb, it's Detroit." Gavin scoffed, "I live down this street and in one of the higher apartments." Gavin pulled into the parking garage and stopped the car. A long and loud roll of thunder sounded from above. Reed winced and looked at the pavement. He sighed, "You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the couch, okay?"

Conan said, "That won't be necessary. To recharge, I don't need an entire bed. So, I will take the couch, Detective Reed." Reed shook his head, but didn't wanna argue. He just wanted to get inside to his own bed and pillows. His comfy, cuddly, tear stained pillows.

As they were heading up the stairs and towards his apartment, Gavin suddenly remembered about the shattered coffee maker on the ground, the trash littered everywhere, and the awful stench of depression. Reed stopped Conan. "OH HECK UH- UM- I LEFT MY PHONE IN THE CAR GO GET IT." He blurted out rather fast. Conan stared at Reed, but nodded and headed back down to the parking garage.

Reed rushed into his apartment, scrambling around to get things cleaned up. The coffee maker was thrown away, all of the trash was shoved into the hall closet, and an entire can of air freshener was used up and tossed out. The door knob clicked and turned, and Gavin quickly plopped himself down on the couch to act natural. But it was extremely hard to ignore how worn out and red he was.

Conan took a moment to study Gavin. His face was flushed, his blood was pumping, and his pulse rate was at 147.2. "Detective Reed..." Conan trailed off and said, "Never mind. Where are your blankets?"

Reed sighed in relief and replied, "They're in the hall closet." Conan gave a nod and went down the hall to the closet. Gavin suddenly shouted, "WAIT NO-"

All of the trash came piling out of the closet and onto the floor. mostly empty chinese takeout cups and empty pizza boxes, but also the occasional crumpled paper or broken item (ie: mug, alarm clock, etc). Conan stared at the items, analyzing every single one's details instantly. Conan chuckled a bit and shook his head. Staying with Detective Reed was going to be rather interesting. For both of them.

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