It all started with a ice cream cone.

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Once upon a time there was a girl, this girls name was Maddyson. Maddyson was very bored one fine afternoon and decided to get an ice cream cone. She slipped on her trusty pair of vans and grabbed a couple of dollars and slipped it in her shoe, this was a usual thing for her. Anywho, she walked down the street to her favorite little ice cream shop, but if she knew that her world would change. She walked in the door and time froze. You know that feeling of pure giddiness, and excitement? You can physically feel the butterflies flutter into your tummy? That's what Maddyson felt when her eyes landed on the most stunning guy she's ever seen. To her, he wasnt sexy, or hot. He was beautiful, magnificent, mind blowing, the list goes on. She slowly made her way to the counter, speaking ever so softly she order her favorite ice cream, superman. The wonderful fellow said it was on the house, but she was determine to pay. Maddy, you see, is very stubborn and hard headed, she gets what she wants and when she wants it. No, she wasn't a brat, no a priss, she was just raised that way by her epic poodles brothers. After she paid the guy offered to take her to the park, she almost exploded with joy. So she agreed, so they walked down the pavement to the park. They talked and talked, and best believe when I said talked. Maddyson thought this would be cute, to see if this guy felt the same. She asked for a piggyback ride. The guy complained, but she knew he didn't mean it, so he obliged. Once they reached the park, the guy layed them down in a field. Maddyson, was the most clumsiest, accident proned, walking death trap you've ever known. Yet she thought of a great way to catch his attention. Shed climb the slide and jump on top of the house thingy, she would do a full twist and land perfectly. Yet, she fell climbing up the side. Hurting her wrist the man came quickly, he asked, what was hurt. She frown and mumbled, "My wrist..." He picked Maddy up and carried her to the hospital. She buried her face in his chest, she didn't know why he was carring her for a wrist injury, but she wasn't complaining. Once they reach the back he layed her on the best. And this where things go right. He looked at her with those perfect blue eyes and sweetly said, "Dont worry, no matter what ill be by your side." That sentence, those ten heavenly words stole her heart. In that 48 seconds she fell in love. She found Mr.Right, she found that guy she couldn't let go of. She would've replied, but he took her breath away. She smiled weakly and said "Thanks..." And the doctors come in with their diagnosis, "You have a sprained wrist that's all." The two left the hospital, walking out of the building the guy asked, "Should I take you home, do you want to come over?" Could this night be any more amazing she thought. "C-can I come over?" She stammered, he chuckle and took them back to his place. He willingly gave her a piggyback ride on the way back. Once they reach the counch of guys home. He popped in a movie and went to pop poppycorn. She snuggled on the counch happily awaiting her prince. He returned with the bowl and pulled her on his lap. She pick up a handful of popcorn and threw it at the guy, he smirk that sexy half smirk of his and threw some back, little did they know that would start a popcorn war! She tried to crawl away from battle field but was ambushed. He jumped on her and tickled her senseless, her only weakness. Beside one more thing, but ill tell you that later. She gave in and declared his victory. I think that's when she really fell in love. She could be her corcky self around him and he didn't care, if you asked me, id tell you its adorably adorable. Back to my friends story, that's the night they fell in love. And it all started with a ice cream cone.

It all started with a ice cream cone.Where stories live. Discover now