4.Guns up!

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After almost breaking her alarm, Blythe woke up and went for her normal run, taking the older streets rather than the new ones around Brooklyn. Arriving back at her house, she sprung into the shower and quickly washed off the sweat before hopping back out. She pulled on a plain white t-shirt and her military uniform pants and tan combat boots. She laced then tightly before brushing her teeth and putting on a little mascara. She threw her curly Carmel hair into a ponytail and rushed out the door, locking it as she went. She put her phone in her pocket and started her car, pulling out of her driveway and starting her morning commute. 

She stepped into her usual coffee shop and took a deep breathe, enjoying the rich smell of coffee. She stepped into the line and grinned. Her usual coffee shop was a great deal less busy than a Starbucks or a Caribou Coffee Shop would be. Winding Roads Coffee was a small, calm café in Brooklyn a few streets down from where she lived. As a teenager, she used to constantly stop here before school. The shop had a baby blue interior with large front windows, a counter set in front so people could watch the bustling street and enjoy their coffee. There are numerous sofa's and soft chairs as well as bookshelves. It really was a cozy, homey little joint.

 Blythe finally reached the counter and looked at the menu. Opting to get a coffee of the season rather than her normal, Carmel Frappe. Her eyes landing on the barista and she blushed slightly, making eye contact with the handsome man at the counter.

"Next please." His voice was deep and rich making her smile in delight. She was quick to step up and put in her order with.... Jackson. The cutie's name was Jackson. Hmm he must be new.

"Hi, can I get a medium Sugar cookie Frappe and a raspberry Scone to go with it? Please and thank you." She smiled and quickly pulled out $10 to hand to the man as he made her order.

"Have a nice day ma'am." He said, winking as he handed her the order. She walked out of the shop with a blush on her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes. Getting in her car, she hurried to start it. Ready to get to where she was going. 


 Clint sat in Nick Fury's office with the rest of the team waiting for a woman to supposedly help them infiltrate a highly served base in The Netherlands. Fury really hadn't briefed them on who it was or what her skills were except for, you'll like her. This statement made his head hurt in wonder and annoyance.  He tapped his pen on the table, impatiently as he waited for this girl to show up. The woman is supposed to be here in ten minutes and generally people show up early. Like twenty minutes early, not five seconds early so therefore in his mind, she was late.

 Blythe pulled into the parking lot ten minutes early and strolled into the SHIELD HQ. She knew that she should have left earlier but, she didn't think that traffic would be as bad as it was. In her mind, she was late. And ten minutes late at that. Sucking in a calming breathe, she knocked on the door and then proceeding to open it. 
"Come in." Ms. Jones stepped into Nick Fury's office and nodded her head at said man as he waved her over to the table. She stood stock still next to the table and a look of recogination went around the shocked table.

"Major Jones, nice to see you again."

"Same to you Fury." All of a sudden multiple things happened very quickly. The first was that 
Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes stood, pointing a glock at Jones. His eyebrows raised cockily and eyes smiling at the woman before him as Clint's jaw dropped. The second thing was her response, She pulled out a black gun an pointed at him drawing before he could take in another breath. The third thing happened moments after the second two and in retaliation to Rhodes. Natasha moved and pulled out her gun pointing it at James, a shocked and confused look shinning in her steely eyes. After a few seconds passed they all broke into laughter, dropping their guns.

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