Chp 1- missing him

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It's about 9 in the morning in Princeton, Indiana. I just woke up and got all dressed and ready for the day. I made sure my brothers Jake and Luke were okay, but they were asleep. Obviously I'm the oldest. My name is Riley Elizabeth Foushee. & I'm 17 years old, GOIN on 18. My brothers are Luke (14 years) & Jake (16 years). I decided to go next door and see if Taylor's mom was Around. Taylor's at an event called magcon. For a month, and I miss him so much. Yes Taylor caniff. He's my neighbor, but most importantly my best friend. He was there for me since day one when my parents died last year. and he always stuck to my side forever. I love him to death. He's truly the best. *knocks on Taylor's door* hi Evelyn. (I don't know Taylor's real parents names so I'm making them up.) Hi Riley.! Come on in sweetheart. Thanks so much.! Haha. So How are you? I miss taylor so muchhhh. I haven't seen him sin-- oh since a month ago when I went on tour at magcon in freehold NJ? I turned around to see taylor standing behind me. OMG TAYLOR! I ran up to him, jumped in his arms and threw my arms around his neck. I just stayed there in his arms for a while. I've missed you SOOSOOSOSOSOSOSOSOOO much! What, but you,... But i tho-- I've missed ya to Ri! And yes I know... I was in magcon, but the event ended quicker then I thought it would. But I'm so happy I'm back ri. I've missed you so much too you have like no idea. Me and Taylor just chilled on the couch and watched movies and talked for hours. I've missed this more than anyone could ever imagine , even taylor .. Haha. Oh how I've missed my best friend ..

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