Saving Elliot - One Shot Competition

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"Do you want another beer?"

"No, I'm fine"

"K, I'm just gonna run to the kitchen" he said before kissing my cheek and running off.

Parties were events consisted of basically three things: people, alcohol and music.

And it was those three things that I had found myself surrounded by on that Friday night.

I didn't mind the latest two, they were nice. Did a pretty good job on cheering me up. They went well together.

But the first. Oh.

There were good and bad people in this world. Some did good, some did bad and some did nothing.

I didn't know if I was doing nothing or doing good, but I was 100% sure I wasn't doing any bad. And I was damn proud of it.

The problem was figuring out what was I doing. Who I was and all that. Those very philosophical questions "Who am I? What am I doing here?" that usually were also constantly asked by heavily intoxicated people.

Still, I was fine. I think. I was doing good, not great, not fantastic, but neither awful or horrible, so I just stick with good.


It's all good.

"Oh my god!" I felt it on me before I heard the words.

"I'm so sorry!" 

I looked up from my partially wet skirt wondering what kind of beverage I would have to wash out of my newest piece of clothing to lock eyes with the person who had dropped it in me.

They were vaguely familiar blue eyes, blood shot and boring. I think I had seen the guy somewhere around campus before but I couldn't care to remember.

"It's okay" I sighed, trying to not let the droplets fall on my shoes.

"No, no it's not" he held my wrists.

"Hey!" I yanked them right off "What do you think you're doing?"

"God, I'm so drunk, sorry, I swear, let me take you upstairs, we'll find something new for you to wear".

And after those words it just clicked and I realized what this guy was playing at.

Those were the problem with parties: people like him.

"No, I'm good" I took a step back "I can handle it"

"Of course not, let's find a bathroom, I can help you clean this mess" his smile was treacherous and it made my stomach quiver.

"I said no" my voice came out forcefully.

"Don't be like that, I'm just trying to help, baby" he took a step forward.

"Don't call me that" I looked around desperately to see if Cameron was anywhere in sight. 

"Come on, come here" the guy held out his hand for me, trapping me between the wall and him. How was anyone else not seeing this?

Cornered like that I had three options:

1. Scream very loud (though the music was very much louder).

2. Kick him in the balls (which was what I was already planning on doing).

3. Run (But the pervert was bulky and tall, he seemed one of those guys who played rugby, I knew he could easily catch me).

Saving Elliot - One Shot CompetitionWhere stories live. Discover now