Guys, I'm so sorry

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He is your bestfriend, sure you worship him, he is amazing, has such a good heart, oh god he means so much for you, he's everything.

And you know it but you don't know it yet, you pretend you don't understand, but your jealousy, your enthusiasm, everything betrays you.

And time is passing by and now he has a girlfriend, of course the one he had always wanted and you're so happy because he is and you have to.

And it's the first day of high school, you are in the same class again and oh god you're sharing a room.

It's pretty clear, it's written everywhere, you are already lost, but you get to know it in the worst way possible.

You cough and here comes the first petal, it is white, pure, like a promise, like him.

And it's fine, you come to think how to hide it from him since you're sharing a room.

It has been months it turnes into years. You're throwing up everyday, it happens even more often. It's petals, all petals and roses, whole white roses.

"It's such a honor to be in love with him" you keep on saying. You don't want to lose your feelings, it doesn't matter how much it hurts.

Oh well, now you know: you fall in love, you die.

There are flowers in your lungs, flowers through your veins and their growing as your love for him.

And he doesn't see, there's blood everywhere, on your pillow, on the mirror, on your hands, in the sink. Petals and flowers covered in blood, but he can't see it.

Then it happens, it happens in front of him. You remind the doctor's words "I totally forgot about my first love" and you have no regrets.

You're falling down, white roses blossom from your veins and they cover your whole skin.

And he is crying, he is holding you in his arms and he screams "please, don't leave me".

But you just can't, you would be glad to stay by his side forever, but you have no choice.

"I'm sorry, Tenth. Death has never been more pretty, but I can't breath".

And this is the end, you are gone and you didn't even confess so he would never know those flowers were for him.

White roses turning into red onesWhere stories live. Discover now