Through the Ghost

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  • Dedicated to Shawn

Spinning, my head is spinning. I'm lost in thought and staring off into space. I'm surrounded by all of our friends, the only one missing is you. Speaking of the devil, I look up and see you walking towards the group, but I know your not gonna talk to me. I put in my other headphone and blare our old song.

I look up again to see you laughing with everyone acting like I'm not here. I sit here and watch holding back tears, remembering how we used to be.

"Shawn stop!" I giggle as you continue tickling my sides "Stop!" I manage to breathe.

You shout "NEVER!", then we fall to the ground and I flick your nose. "Hey!" you flick my nose back, and I smack your nose lightly, "Allright that's it" you say and we start to wrestle. The bell rings signaling that lunch is over. I get up and start brushing myself off, then go over to the wall and grab my backpack. You run up behind me and jump infront of me as I head inside.

"Shawn," I sigh."What are you doing? We have to get to class."

"I know," you reply as I walk past you "Hey were do you think you're going?" you whine grabbing my back pack pulling me back.

"To class." I reply laughing.

"I have an idea, come on." You say as you grab my hand and drag me away from school.

I agree and we start to walk down the street. When we reach Walgreens we stop and sit. You light a cigerette and we make small talk. I started daydreaming when suddenly you lay ur head in my lap looking up at me the cigerette in your hand by your side. I smile and blush, we continue talking stuck in our own little world when you point to your lips, knowing that I was still with Josh I shake my head no wishing that I could. You point to your lips again and I still shake my head no, the urge just to do it getting stronger. Finally you get fed up and pull me down to you and you kiss me, and I kiss back.


I look up and see everyone gone. A school cop walks up to me telling me I'm late, again, and gives me my 5th detention of the week. I crumple it up after he walks away and throw it to the side. I get up and go to my usual spot and wait for the bell to ring signaling that schools over.

-7th hour-

I sit there with Jordan and talk, I start to fade out when people come up and talk to Jordan. I stair off into space when I look to thel left and see you approaching us.

"Hey Jordan whats up dude?" you say totally ignoring me.

"Nothing much man what about you?" Jordan replies

"Oh same, excited about after school, I'm going to my girlfriends house and well its gonna be fun" you say winking at Jordan.

Girldfriend??? I think to myself It's been a week and he's replaced me?? And he's sleeping with her?! I pull myself togather and jump back into the conversation just in time to hear a comment I know is directed at me.

"Yeah I broke my hand, and since its already healed parcially healed they're gonna have to rebreak it, and since I'm like my mom pain medication doesnt work on me so im gonna feel everything." you say finally looking at me.

My eyes meet yours, tears swelling about to fall. I look away refusing to let you see how much you just hurt me. I knew that I was the reason you punched that wall.

When next I look up everyones gone but Jordan.

"Hey you ok?" he asks looking worried.

"Yeah I'm fine." I reply, with that I get up grab my stuff and start my long walk home.

-10 mins later-

*1 new text message*

I click open and read it.

Hey were did you go? -Jordan

I left I'm on my way home - Bri

Oh well I guess ill see you tomorrow then -Jordan

I close my phone and put it in my pocket. Left with nothing but my thoughts, I start to remember all our old conversations. All the secrets we shared, the love I thought was real. I remember when you told me that I knew you better then anyone else, and thats true. I don't know where you're hiding, or when you'll be comming back, but I'll be here.

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