Prologue: The Whole Enchilada

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Author's Note: Before we begin on this grand narrative tale, we would like to remind the general public of something that we like to reiterate before every new book. In our wanting to create a diverse caste of characters, we might have created the opportunity to generalize or stereotype groups of people. Thus, we must ask that viewers are able to comprehend that the personas we create around these characters should not be understood as generalizations of cultures, religions, races, or anything having to do with identity. If you are part of a group that a character is part of, please to let us know any problems you have!

There are seven facts that govern the principles of life in this universe.

1) Lemon is better than any other popsicle flavor, which brings us to the second fact that:

2) Anything artificial cherry tastes like cough medicine and should be treated as such.

3) Getting 1-4 hours of sleep a night sucks, and yet stupid teenagers, (me) decide that's a good plan anyway.

4) Don't get involved in werewolf politics. It always ends badly. Trust me on this.

5) If your best friend tries to sabotage your work, go ahead and sabotage his back.

6) Never leave a burner running while you're trying to cook belladonna. Things will explode, and your landlord will have your head.

7) Life, in general, is good. Enjoy it. Just don't be stupid.

So that (what has been mention above) is the whole Enchilada. The facts that every person needs to know to live a (somewhat) hassle free life. Unfortunately for me, I had to learn that the hard way. In case you are tempted to also learn the hard way, please don't get everyone killed when an evil semi cannibalistic hag shows up at your door.



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