Chapter 1) The Incident

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***Trigger Warning***

Please do not read if you have deppression or self harm and are easily triggered.

Stay safe :)

I walked up to Asha in a group of girls who were discussing what I’m pretty sure is the only thing they know how to talk about: boys.

“You should just tell him!” said a girl named Bree in what seemed to be the most girly and fake voice she could possibly fabricate.

“No! It’s awkward! And what if he doesn’t like me back?” a girl named Katelyn replied in the same tone of voice.

So I guess I should probably introduce myself. My name is Maya. I have medium length, straight dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m 15 and I’m a freshman at Seltsam High School in California. I don’t have a lot of friends because I can’t stand fake girly-girls, who, unfortunately, make up about 99.9% of the female population.

“Hey,” I said to Asha, in a voice much quieter than those of the obnoxious teenage girls gossiping next to me.

“Hey,” responded Asha, turning and moving away from the group so the two of us could talk, “You sound tired.”

“Gee, thanks,” I said sarcastically. Asha gave a sort of half-laugh and rolled her eyes.

“Seriously though, you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I assured her, acting as if it were obvious and that she was crazy for assuming anything could possibly be wrong. She gave me a look as if to say ‘I don’t believe you.’

I sighed, “Fine, I’ll tell you at lunch.” I had only briefly filled her in on the incident that had taken place the night before.

The next three hours were the same dull routine of listening to teachers talk about whatever the hell they decided to bore us with for the day, taking notes, completing bookwork, et cetera.

After I got my lunch, I walked outside of the cafeteria and sat down against a wall in the shade. I checked my phone to see if I had any texts, and unsurprisingly, I didn’t, so I went on Tumblr for a little bit before Asha came over.

“Hey,” she said as she sat down next to me.

“Hi,” I said without looking up from my phone.

“How was class?” she asked as she unwrapped the foil on her hotdog.

“Sucky as usual.” I replied.

“Yeah… So are you going to tell me about what happened last night or am I going to have to pry it out of you?” she said impatiently.

I had told her that I was triggered by all the stress, but I hadn’t explained what had happened.

“Ughhh fine.” I said, “So I was working on that thing for Social Studies in my room when I heard my dad yelling at my mom.”

So here’s what happened the night before:

My dad slammed the front door behind him as he walked in.

“What the fuck, Julie!” My dad screamed as he stood in the front room of the house.

My mom was on the phone in the kitchen, “I’m gonna have to call you back.” She pressed ‘end’ on the house phone and slammed it down on the kitchen counter.

“What do you want, Frank?” she said, frustrated. My dad walked into the kitchen where my mom was, and stood across from her. I quietly opened my door and tiptoed out of my room and stood on the landing of the stairs to listen in on the argument.

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