Little Drabble

20 4 4

I woke up this morning and immediately thought of you

Your soft hair lying

a mess against your tanned skin

Your freckles splattered in an

array across the arch of your nose

The shade of pink

your cheeks turn in the cold

of the winter

And the smoothness of your

voice ringing in my ears

And then I realized

it's been a year today

A year since you left me alone

It gets harder as the days go on

Sometimes I don't remember it all

The way you smelled

when you came home from work

A delicate mix

of lilacs and book pages

Sometimes I don't recall

The way it felt to lie in your arms


I find myself wearing your sweaters

Flipping through your journals

Until I find the page

Where you told me you loved me

But you couldn't any longer


Today I try to forget

~ a.b. ~

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