chapter 1

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    One day a few summers ago me and and my sister were on a tour to an island. we got lost from the tour and ended up marooned on a deserted Island, because we took a boat for a ride. So we searched the island and found a nice beach to set up camp the only problem what that Is the only beach or water way to the sea was a murky swamp filled with crocodiles. We were searching the island and found a rubber raft so we took it back to camp. A few days later we build a raft it was a good one. We even had extra food stored. A week later a volcano exsploded. So we quickly grabbed are stuff and piled into a raft and left. A curious crocodile bit are rubber raft and the flimsy raft deflated. To save us we quickly climbed on the other raft, the current pulled us out into the middle of the ocean, where we fell a sleep.

Sorry the book i wrote this in got packed away and as soon as i find it I'll update, only if i get my book

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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