Meeting The Skeleton Brothers

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'It's Snowing in a  Mountain how? ... must be magic' Ayanna thought to herself as she was walking she seen a shattered tree branch she felt bad for the tree branch 'why??? ... maybe it's because we're both broken haha' she thought sadly as  she passed it she felt like someone  was watching her 'that's kinda creepy' she thought ( you know what when she's thinking to herself  she'll have this  --> '  ...  '  <-- ok?  ok good back to the story )  'I wonder who's watching me ... hummm ...I have a feeling , I'll find out soon'  then out of nowhere "SANS WHERE ARE YOU? . . . YOU LAZYBONES YOUR SUPPOSE TO BE AT YOUR  century station . . . . . . OH HELLO NEW AND TALL HUMAN ... I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS AND YOU ARE?" Papyrus did a dramatic pose as he was posing she got a better look at him the first thing she noticed was the really cool red cape/scarf like thing it was waving in the wind making it look more dramatic like he was a super hero or something then she noticed that he's a skeleton 'wow that's really cool' she then looked  at what he was wearing, a battle body type thing with blue shorts with golden trimming (if I called it underwear I'd kinda feel awkward soooo I'm calling them shorts) and red gloves to finish off the look he was also wearing red boots that looked really cool, then she looked up at him and said "I'm The Amazing and Mysterious Ayanna the human" Ayanna posed dramatically just like Papyrus 'he looks stunned either that or he thinks I'm really stupid' she look's at him worriedly and sweat dropped "pffft . . . sup bro ... You was looking for me" Ayanna jumped up he was right behind her 'how the fuck did he do that . . . Normally I'd be able to sense if someone was behind me or if they was close, hell sometime's I can even hear there heart beat but apparently not him he came out of fucking nowhere like what the hell dude' her heart beat was fast she just looked at him " OH... YOU KNOW WHAT'S UP BROTHER ... WHERE WERE YOU ? ... I was getting worried" Papyrus whispered that last part while looking down like a sad puppy who got yelled at for being bad or something it made Ayanna feel bad too see him like  this  she didn't want to see him look sad and she could tell he doesn't really whisper or talk normal she can tell he yell's a lot and that's the way he is that's his normal so she thought 'Toriel liked the pun I said earlier maybe that will cheer him up too  ... ... ... there both made of bones maybe I can ... ... I'll just try my best'  she looked up and said "Papyrus you look so . . . Bonely maybe I can help you, I could try to find your funny Bone and make you smile" Papyrus got mad "HUMAN DON'T YOU ... ... ... NAAAaaah !!!" He was so mad  he stomp his foot like a little kid then walked away with a mad pout on his face. "did I do it wrong ?"  She thought allowed  "nah kid that was very Humorous Tibia honest" Sans and Ayanna  laughed  at there joke's "hahaha good one" she said while wiping a couple of fake tear's away "haaa, that was fun but I'm looking for someone sooo later" Sans looked a little surprised "Hay ... wait kid who you looking for?" She looked back at him 'should I ask him if he's seen her ... ... Eeh what can it hurt to ask???... He could hurt you or he knew where she's at or he had killed her ... Hummm ... Should I trust him ... No but I can ask him  *no harm no foul* as the saying goes right?' she stared at Sans "ummm uh kid you ok?" Sans asked while waving his hand in front of her face it helped Ayanna snap out of her thought's "huh??? oh yea ... You see I'm looking for my little sister ... Her name is ... Frisk?" Sans looked at Ayanna like seriously you're making it sound like a question "so she's you sister? huh" he asked it like a question "uhh yeah she is" Ayanna smiled "and her name's frisk?" he said it like a question even though he know's Frisk  he just thought Ayanna  was playing a game with him and Two Can Play That Game he thought  " ... I don't really know I'm still having trouble figuring out what day it is let alone remembering her name ... " Ayanna said as a whisper but Sans still heard what she said 'seriously kid you're going to act like you have amnesia, alright I'll play your stupid game for now' Sans thought "wait so you don't know what day it is wow kid that's pretty sad if you ask me" she knew what he was thinking she's not an idiot she know's he think's that she's lying but she really can't remember she look's down at the cold snowy ground and asked him " ... Do . . . What ... *Sighs* what day is it?" she kept looking down Sans just looked at her 'is she seriously going to continue  acting ... or maybe the fall made her forget I don't know but I'll find out eventually just like how I know about Frisk and her dame resets ugh let's not think about that right now' he thought  ". . . it's  Wednesday"  she looks up with a surprised look on her face 'it really has been 3 days since I fell in the Underground I really  hope Frisk's okay' Ayanna started to walk away from Sans "kid where you going?" He looks at her like 'the hell you going  kid?' "I'm going to look for my little sister ... God it really has been 3 day's since I fell here in the underground ... ... I don't even remember how I even  got to Toriel's  house ... I don't understand what's going on ... is this a weird dream? A nightmare Maybe??? Ugh my head" Ayanna falls over from dizziness 'what's wrong with me ... it's been a week since Frisk ran away,... I hope she's ok ugh It hurt's so much ... am I dying? am I going to die before I find my sister *sniff* ...  why Is it getting dark am I died?' "kid!!!?" Sans rushes over to her to see if she's okay 'aaand she's passed out just great what I don't need ... I'm going to have to carry her butt to our house *sigh*' Sans decide's to use blue magic to carry her to the house 'wait a minute I coulda just teleported  us to the house ugh . . . *sigh*' Sans thought 'well this is going to be interesting ... I hope Frisk keep's her promise of no more reset's this time *sigh*  I'm so tired of this . . . But this time is new because of her' he looks at Ayanna and put's her down on the couch  'ugh I'm gonna take a nap' "I'm to tired for this" Sans says aloud then he teleported to his room on his bed 'well this seems different then last time lets see' Sans grabs his notebook that has the last timeline written in it from under his bed 'hummm nope like I thought Frisk doesn't have a sister in the last timeline . . . was that one of the many reasons they kept resetting???' Sans puts some notes of this timeline in the book then closes it and puts it back up under his bed then he go's to sleep 

X           X              X       yaaaay 1380 word  count I hope you like this story so far, bye bye for now  ;)  also if I missed any errors please let me know so I can fix them because my stupid self can't see anymore, please and thank you, ok latter //-^    X         X         X

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