The Arrival

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Early in the morning, Faith went to school to attend her Math quiz. As usual, she became so nervous that she didint answered the problems correctly. That, unfortunately, gave her a big 71% on her paper.

" Keeno never had difficulty in Math. " If only you can teach me....just like before...

She will go to the tree house today to get the pouch she left last night. She stopped when she saw someone walking towards her direction. She guessed that this person is very weak for she keeps on stumbling as she move her legs to walk. And Faith noticed blood on her left arms.

The girl straightened as she saw her. But she stumbled again.

"Hey!" Faith quickly run to her to help her stand up but Jade snapped her hands away.

"I don't need your help."

Jade quickly stand up and left the embarassed face of the mortal girl. She doesnt know why...but there is something in her that shouts familiarity over this girl. Maybe her feelings is just caused by her recent fight with that fire-using beast.

Shocked by what the girl did, Faith didnt move any further and just stared at her leaving. But somehow, she felt pity for her.

Finding her wallet, she raced back to the Orphanage and entered the main door of the building. When she reached the elevator, a note was pasted on it saying ' Out of Order'. And left with no choice, she took the long staircase.

" This day is full of misfortunes. " Faith released a heavy sigh.When she reached the 2nd floor where her room is, she caught a sight of the girl she saw the other night.

It was her! Faith almost tripped as she run fast after her. The girl is in a hurry cause she turns left and right as she reached the 3rd floor and went down to the emergency door leading back to the ground floor of the orphanage.

Wait! Don't run too fast! Aw!

Faith rolled down the staircase and Princess Sandra looked at the thing falling above her. Sandra immediately run toward her and helped her stand.

"Are you alright?!" She asked her, worried.

Faith turned to her side holding he back. " I guess..." After a few seconds she lost her consciousness.

" Faith!" Princess Sandra.

That's the last thing she heard after.


Faith woke up in a place she somehow knew she had seen before...although she can't remember how or when. Her eyes searched for the person she has in mind and wasnt dissapointed as she landed on this girl named Sandra. She is standing beside the open window of the room.

Faith tried to get up on the bed.

" Don't move Faith." Sandra commanded without looking at the place where she lays. Instead, she positioned her hands on her back, crossfolded.

" Who are you really?" Faith asked, almost desperate to get an answer. Sandra now looked at her without changing her position. She smiled sweetly.

" Will you believe me if I say that I'm an Angel sent from heaven." She turned around, and spoke again. " Faith...the question you must ask must not be about others but yourself. I am not that important Faith, believe me. "

Faith became confused again and went beside the window where the girl stood. Her mind is full of questions...about herself,about her life...

But feels like this girl seem to give her more questions than answers.

" Follow me." Princess Sandra her her hands and made her face a large ancient mirror sorrounded by crystals. She felt uneasy in front of that thing but a strong force attract something in her to move closer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2012 ⏰

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