Chapter 2

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Desii's POV

'Just leave it'A boy said

'I'm s-sorry'I said as i kept wiping the milk from his shirt

The boy just left with an anger and i started to mop the floors until

'WHAT HAPPENED HERE'The owner of the shop said

'I'm so--'She didn't let me finish Because she Fired me

'UR FIRED'She yelled

I was so sad that i was fired but i was even scared to tell my father that i was fired.It was a bit far from my house so i had to take the bus luckily I had some change so i can use that for the bus so i was walking to the bus station until i arrived.

End Of POV 

Lu Han's POV

'Lu Han'Kai Yelled

'Yes'I yelled back

'Can u go get some milk and Cereal for tomorrow'Kai Yelled

'Okay'I said as i went near the door and grabbed my keys.

I didn't really know where was the grocery shop so i had to get maps since i'm new to Seoul.

'Ah,There was one not that far from me'I said to myself

I walked until i arrived.when i arrived i got the cereal and went to get the milk when someone bumped into me with the milk.All the milk fell on the floor and on my shirt.

'I'm sorry'A girl said while she grabbed tissues and tried to wipe my shirt but she made a bigger mess.

'Just leave it'I said,But she kept going until she made a bigger mess.

When i noticed she made a bigger mess I just left.

I was near a bus stop although my house isn't that far i took the bus.


Desii's Pov

I was waiting for the bus for 15 minutes,And finally it arrived,I went to sit in the back because I Didn't like sitting in front.We took a stop when then i realized that the person i bumped into came to the same bus as me i tried to hide that i wasn't their but it failed,He looked at me with an angry expression and then he sat next to an elderly lady.My stop and i got out to the bus and i arrived home.


Lu Han's POV 

I  got in the bus and saw that girl i gave her a angry expression and then i sat next to an elderly women.We arrived to another stop and she left.I still had another stop until i arrive home.

Finally i arrived home.

'Kai I didn't get the milk because a girl bumped into me'I told kai

'Ughh,Why are u so blind'Kai whined 

'She bumped into me'I said with an annoyed tone 

'Fine,Go get ready because dinner is almost ready'He said

I took a shower and wore a pair of jeans and a shirt and went downstairs to eat dinner.


Desii's Pov

I arrived home and noticed that my Dad wasn't their.

'Sweetie your father isn't here he went to go somewhere,Go get ready because dinner is almost ready'Mother said.

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