XVI; Recuperate

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"I have an idea." Mikaela said matter-of-factly. Akane turned to him, desperate now to get her brother to take anything that might might reduce his fever. She raised an eyebrow, signally her silent inquiry into the vampire's correct idea. He turned to Yuu, whom he had noticed had passed out yet again as a result of the physical exertion his sickness placed on him.

He wasn't panting anymore, instead he took long, unsteady breathes- it was scary to thing of how simple things like this can kill a human so easy. They were fragile creatures, and Mikaela pondered, for a short moment, how he survived the impact he had forced upon his small body the day his parents threw him from their moving car. He had broken and arm, a leg, and several ribs. His injuries were extremely life threatening. For the first time, he was grateful towards a vampire- Lest Karr has saved him that day that he lay bleeding on the road; he had taken favour to his 'unique' Russian features. It had taken days of him lying in pain, his bones re-snapping and rearranging themselves until they were back in their respective places within his small body. Although, it was arguable that taking in even a small dose of Lord Karr's blood was far more painful- he had only had to have it once, but it felt like drinking a form of liquid fire; one that also gave you internal frostbite and the same time. His whole body was icy hot, his skin and flesh burning and freezing with the cold at the same time. A shiver went through his body at the memory. He would never wish such a pain in anyone. Not even his worst enemy.

"Lord Mikaela?" A feminine voice spoke in his ear, shattering the thought into pieces. The vampire glanced down at the two pills that Akane was holding out to him, and he took them. He watched the girl shiver as they're hands brushed against the others. He sighed, tossing both of the tiny pills into the mortar and pestle* he had retrieved from underneath the kitchen cabinet (he kept everything in the kitchen, apparently).

He took him time, pestling the medicine into a fine, bone-white powder before he stopped, placing the heavy stone onto the bench (heavy for humans, that is). Akane watched his meticulous movements with curiosity, brushing her thick brown hair behind her shoulder. Then, she frowned, tossing it back on to her shoulder with a a flick, before she took to tucking in the imaginary hairs that would have been out of place if it were actually messy. Mika suppressed a small giggle- she was a puzzling girl indeed.
"Akane, your hair is fine-" she blushed a bright red- "there's a glass in that cupboard there," he stopped to point at a cupboard on the far side of the kitchen, "and there's a pitcher of water in Yuu-Chan's room; grab them for me, please?"
The girl nodded, hurrying to complete her tasks in a flustered state as Mika opened a drawer, retrieving a small metal spoon from within.

Once she had returned, which isn't take long at all, Mika filled the glass only half way, before spooning the crushed pills into it. Stirring it through, he only stopped until the water was a cloudy mixture. Akane looked at him, skepticism written all over her face;
"I'm sorry, but, how will we get him to take that, my Lord? He can't even sit upright." She arched a thin eyebrow. Mika smiled nervously, reaching up to rake his hand through his tousled blonde hair. He was careful not to lift it off his ears (he didn't like the points). (At all). He just picked up the glass, hurrying to Yuu's room, hoping that she was slower to follow.

And of course she kept pace. He didn't want to do this right in front of her. It just felt... wrong? It shouldn't, he didn't have any romantic feeling towards the boy- he had just met him. He was willing to say that Yuu was attractive. Of course he was. He was groomed that way; to look perfect and pretty and flawless. Although, he wasn't exactly flawless- Mika detested the thin scars on his thighs with a passion. It shouldn't have happened. He shouldn't of felt driven to do that to himself- no one should. Yuu was hiding a lot of things, and Mika would wait until he was alright with telling him- pushing him would only force him further into his right, suffocating shell. His walls were strong, and the vampire was aware that endless amounts of trust would have to be used the break then down, and Mika would do it, even if he had to take down those walls brick by brick.

When he reached Yuuichiro's room, he rushed the door open gently, the glass in one hand. He sat down softly on the end of the bed, before reaching forward to brush the humans wet stands of hair behind his ear, and out of his face- it was surely itchy. The boy woke at the slight touch, and his sleep had been light and dreamless; fitful, really. He offered a tiny smile at the vampires presence. Although, Mika notes that like the other he had offered, the simple didn't quite reach his eyes- almost, but not quite.

Green eyes started up at his, dull with fatigue, and brought out sharply by the unnatural pallor of Yuuichiro's sickly coloured skin. The vampire swallowed, glancing nervously back at the girl behind him, whom was waiting anxiously for Mika's next move. He could see her jaw clench from where he was, and the pulse in her neck was-

Now is not the time, Mikaela.

He shoved his thoughts down, and brought the glass to his lips, before taking in a mouthful of the water-and-pill mixture. He bent down, softly, yet firm enough to keep his hold, kissed Yuuichiro, forcing the lukewarm liquid into the others mouth. He could hear Akane shuffle behind him, probably extremely surprised at Mika for his... bold move.

The medicine was bitter, and Yuu's chapped lips were somehow still soft against his own.

And somehow, all the vampire could think about was how the boy's lips felt against his own.

^Heyo!~ So, I'm so so sorry that I have been away for so long. I didn't mean to take so long; I've begun writing a new fan fiction, not of the Anime genre, and I have also been completely stumped about how to write this scene.

To be honest, I'm losing motivation for this book, even though I have it all planned out.

Let me know what you think of this chapter, if you still enjoy it, and any scene requests (in context, please. Nothing silly) - I'll try to fit in as many as I can (I need fillers!).

Anyways, thankyou for reading XVI; Recuperate!~ Xx

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