Chapter 2

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Meeting the one 2

The two months since their orders had been cut went by in a blur. It didn't seem more than a week, but between the packing of their own houses and the packing of the building, it was gone in the blink of an eye. It seemed most everyone who at first was not thrilled with the idea had now begun the thought process that this was not a horrible idea. They all had the issue of waiting and wasting valuable time out on a mission due to the backup situation and waiting for a far distant team to arrive to help out. If everyone was centrally located, it could be so much better and less time-consuming. The only problem she had thought of was the ego issue. Most if not all the guys she had met throughout her brief but extensive career had ego's the size of Texas. They were the best of the best after all, and they knew it.

They all had a week from the last day the building was vacated to arrive for duty. They had staggered the arrival time for each team, and they were the second to last to arrive. Most were driving out there in packs of two or three and with meetups. She decided to drive out by herself and get there before everyone else. She was leaving that afternoon and would arrive in two days of nearly continuous driving. She would be dead tired, but she didn't care, and she hoped this would bring a new chapter to them all.

The two days it did take her to drive across the country had been quick and to be honest, after about hour six she had forgotten how she had even got that far. By hour twenty-seven, she was blurry eyed and exhausted. She stopped for a few hours and then continued pushing herself further and more than she had ever pushed herself before. She arrived at the new base in the middle of the desert and just looked at it. She called the new contact to find out where her new place would be. As she waited in her car for the contact to take her to her new house, she watched and saw a group of well-built men playing football in a vacant field and chuckled to herself about how this would really be a hardship for her.

When her contact came and smiled as he looked her over he motioned for her to follow him and he led her through the maze of streets and stopped before a brick house that was a single house on the edge of the road. He got out and motioned to the house, "This is yours, now.", he said.

"This is great.", she said. "Thanks."

"Here are the keys and enjoy.", He said as he tossed the keys and walked away. She started to laugh as she walked to the door and opened it with the set of keys. She walked into a beautiful open room and the kitchen off to the left. The living area was bigger than her last place. She walked up the stairs to find three large bedrooms and two large bathrooms. She was amazed and then decided to unload the car and then relax. She knew she would probably sleep for the next few days as she still had time till she was required to be there.

As she made her way to the car, she noticed the friendly football game was now over, and the guys who had been played were all headed her way. "Need a hand?", One of them shouted to which she had to assume was her. She stood and looked at the whole bunch made their way towards her car.

"I guess, with the tv, and heavier stuff.", She said. Usually, she would not accept help from strangers, but since they were also military, she fought her inner struggle. She went on with a smaller box as the group also bent down and dug in her car to get the rest. She was surprised when only two more trips had utterly emptied her vehicle.

"Thank you.", she said. "That helped a lot. A drive across country in two days, I was dreading unloading the car."

"Oh, so you're one from another team?", one of the guys asked.

"Blue team.", she replied.

"Oh, the useless team.", a sourfaced young man replied.

"Useless?", she asked.

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