Chapter One

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Arabelle's P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly, slamming my hand down on my alarm clock. I heard my mother yelling at me from downstairs to get ready. I had to do as I was told or I wouldn't see the light of day. I got out of bed and dragged my body along to my bathroom. I stripped and got in the shower. Once the warm water touched my skin, I was awakened. I washed my hair and body. I turned off the water and grabbed my towel. I towel-dried my hair and then blow dried it. I then curled it and pull my bangs to the side, pinning them down. I did my makeup and put on a crop top shirt with a galaxy and infinity sign on it and a pair of white skinny jeans. I grabbed my galaxy vans and a pair of socks. I put them on and ran downstairs. My mom made me a bowl of cereals and I came downstairs just before she left. "Don't miss the bus." My mom told me before leaving for work. I had no choice to stay home if I missed the bus, and if I did I was screwed.

I finished my bowl of cereal, grabbed my back pack, and headed out the door. I locked it on my way out and started walking towards the bus stop. I saw Jake Foushee. I thought he was a prick so I stayed away from him.

"Hey." He came up to me and said.
"Oh, hey Jake." I let out and rolled my eyes and looked away. He didn't continue the conversation and I was thankful. The bus finally came after that awkward silent moment and I got on. All the seats were taken and the only open one was next to Jake. I sighed and sat next to him.

"Fate can't keep us apart, huh?"He exclaimed and giggled. I had to admit, his laugh was adorable. And so were his eyes- no. He doesn't deserve you. I shook the thought out of my head and put my headphones in until we got to school.

Once the bus came to a stop, everyone got off. I tried to get out in the front of the crowd but it was no use. I was pushed against Jake's chest. It was comfortable. Everyone got let out and it was just me and Jake. I stared into his gorgeous brown eyes. "You kids gonna get off or what?" The bus driver broke our gaze. I got out of the seat, looked back at Jake who was staring at the air, and walked off.

As soon as I walked in the doors, I wanted to leave. I went to my locker and put my backpack away. I grabbed some books and went to first hour. On my way there a group of jocks, also known as Jake's friends, pushed me and knocked my books on the floor. I didn't care. I was used to it. Don't get me wrong, they were all attractive. But they were jerks. They were all dating the school's cheerleaders. Even Jake.

I sighed and walked to my class. And great, I forgot Jake is in my first class. I rolled my eyes and took my seat. I glanced back at Jake and he was practically drooling and staring at me. As soon as I looked at him he shook his head and turned away.

As soon as first hour was over, I had Physical Education. With who? Jake freaking Foushee. I had all of my classes with him.

Jake's P.O.V

I hadn't realized I was drooling until she looked back at me. She was so pretty. I turned my head and wiped my mouth. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her the whole day. She looked gorgeous. Obviously she isn't interested in me. I just wanted to kiss her though. I sighed and waited for the class to be over. I tapped my foot and looked at the clock a couple times.

After the class was over, I had P.E. with Arabelle. Even in her gym uniform she looked great.. Jake, stop. She doesn't want you. Everyone thinks I'm dating Heather, the Cheer Captain. She is in love with me. I have to pretend to date her so I won't get made fun of. Speaking of made fun of, I don't understand why all of my friends have to bully Arabelle. She doesn't even talk to them, yet then continue to mess with her. I don't really like them but they just want to be my friend because I'm the captain of the football team. I'm a Junior and Arabelle is a Sophomore. I don't really care. In middle school I used to get picked on, and then I hit puberty.

In P.E. we were doing dodgeball. It was girls against guys. I wasn't going to even aim in Arabelle's direction. I never got out so I will totally win this for my team. I got a couple girls out. I got something in my eye and threw the ball. I hear a scream and look at where I threw. I saw Arabelle on the ground holding her stomach. All of the girls and the gym teacher were over in a circle by her. "Give her space people!" The gym teacher shouted. I ran over there and I felt tears fill my eyes. A tear rolled down my cheek and I wiped it. I wiped my eyes and ran over by her. Everyone was asking her who threw it. Everyone stood back and Arabelle pointed at me. "Jake Foushee hit me." She said looking at me with an angry face. Everyone was staring at me.


Ok so that is the first chapter of my Fanfic of *breathes heavily* Jake Foushee!! oh mah lawdy he is WHEW so gorgeous I just can't *faints* it's ok I'm fine! Well comment if you want more and umm read this book cx and follow me and vote c: k thankkkksss
Kisses and disses cx
~J bawm

You Belong With Me // Jake Foushee FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now