Fallen Angel

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   I am Anika I am the guide for the dead souls in heaven. I am beautiful, smart, glowing, and well perfect. So my days are always the same guide the soul get them where they need to go all day every day.

"Don't be slow guys hurry up and go!" I yell these people are so slow and I want to leave. After what seems like forever I can leave. I go home which is this big gold house. It has a red carpet and a king-sized bed all to myself. I collapse onto my bed and closed my eyes. As soon as I close my eyes I see a bright light and of course, it was probably God here to reward me. I was wrong it was an angel I have never seen before.

"Bye Anika," this weird angel said. I was confused but I became tired, I closed my eyes once again. I woke up in a weird bed that is not my own.

"She has woken up," It was a weird man in a white coat, maybe he is an angel like me. Wait he is no he is not glowing.

"Where am I?" I asked the white-coated man. He pointed at a sign that said "Hell's Kitchen Hospital" I giggled a bit Hell's Kitchen and I am an angel. I ask my next question, "Why am I here sir?"

"Someone reported you fell from the sky," he replied. I nodded, WAIT fell from the sky oh no my graces. That is why that weird angel said bye he took my graces. The white-coated man left and I got up and left. As I walked out I was looking down and was thinking about how I can get back to heaven. There is only one way, the gate once I find the gate I can enter there. I was walking still looking down, then WHAM. I look up and there was a boy with black hair, and sky blue eyes, he looks 20 which is the age I would be if I was human, he was cute but not as cute as me.

"Oh, I am so sorry," the boy said, "my name is Raphael and I am 21."

"Next time watch where you're going," I replied.

"I can take you, out to eat if you want," he said, and well I was hungry so why not. I have never had Earth food before. I nodded and he started walking, I followed him to a restaurant called 5 Napkin Burger. I don't know if we left Hell's Kitchen, probably not. We sit down at what humans call a bar, at least I think. Raphael orders two bacon burgers and the price comes to $24. Now would be a good as a time as any to tell him that I am an angel.

"Can I tell you something?" I start to ask, "I am a fallen angel I lost graces and I don't know why. I need to find my graces." He tilts his and then nods and smiles, I don't know if he believes me but oh well. We finish up our burgers and leave. I ask if he knew

"Do you know how to get to Queens because that is where the gate to heaven is?" he nodded and lead me to a car, he explained it was a black Jeep Wrangler, I rolled my eyes and got in. He started driving and he was driving fast. About 10 minutes later we were there.

I got out and went to the gate and yelled, "Hey God let me in," no answer but a blinding white light, that weird angel appeared again.

" I have your graces but to get them back you need to learn kindness because kindness gets you places," the angel said. I suddenly remembered Raphael can't look at an angel in define form, he will die. I run back to the car and he is sitting there on his phone. I will never understand people and their phones.

"How do you show kindness on Earth?"I asked Raphael. He looked at me and smiled.

"It depends on how you see kindness, also it would help if you're not full of yourself or rude," he explained it very simply which I appreciated.

(Switched to Raphael's point of view)

Anika was looking at me very sweetly, I wonder what she thought of what I said. Man, she is so pretty but she probably knows that. I believe her that she is an angel, honestly I think I am falling for her, not telling her I that like ever.

"Can you help me do something kind Raph?" Raph?!?! Did she just call me Raph? Nobody ever calls me that. After I get over that I answer.

"Yeah, of course, why wouldn't I?" I replied, "we are in this together," she smiled the same sweet smile that I love so much. I have three in mind.

"Do you know how to drive Anika?" I asked.

"Yeah, you want me to drive while you tell me where to go?" she answered and I nodded. First we are doing pay it forward at McDonald, while are there we are buying food for a homeless shelter, and finally, go to my place and bake cookies for everyone in my building. I tell her how to get to McDonald 's and to go through the drive-through. We were looking at the menu when the voice asked what would you like?

"We will take two ten piece Chicken McNuggets, eight cheeseburgers, six grill chicken snack wraps," I say the guy asks no questions but the price comes to twenty dollars which isn't bad. Ankia pulls out the money and pays, she looks at me, I nod.

"We would also like to pay for the people behind us, and she said and keep their change," she smiled she is sweeter but at the same time quieter, but oh well. We drive off and go to the homeless shelter, Anika gets out first and seems very excited it's cute actually. I run to catch up with her, I caught up with her at the desk but she was already talking.

"...can we hand it out?" she asked, the lady nodded. All of a sudden she was gone running down the hallway, I ran down the hall to catch up with her and watched her give out the food, the homeless people's smiles when she gave them the food. It took like an hour and a half. We got back in the car, I decided to ask her a serious question.

"How did you die, to uh become an angel," I asked.

"My parents died while my mom was pregnant with me, and gave birth in heaven," she replied she didn't seem bothered by my question, "so I became an angel right away." I just nod it is kind of depressing, but no extremely sad. We sat in silence the rest of the way home. We got to my apartment and I unlocked the door, my empty house just me and what I need nothing extreme. She looked around and sighed I don't think she liked it. I bake a lot so I) had all we need to make the cookies. It was fun cooking them Anika wound up with flour on her face which I wiped off as she giggled. We finished walked down to the lobby and placed the cookies on the desk and walk out.

As soon as we got outside there was a light and I knew to turn around.

(Anika's point of view) The light was back I hope it is good.

"Anika I am happy to say, here are your graces," I looked down and I was glowing again." as a reward for finding kindness, you will be the welcomer to heaven," this weird angel just went from my bad list to my good list. I suddenly remembered Raphael can't look at me anymore. I turn around and he was looking I watched him slowly fall to the ground lifeless. Angels don't cry often but I was crying a lot I was holding his body. I turned around and saw the gates open and ran up the stairs to the top, I stopped at the welcome gates, I turned and saw a black hair, the blue-eyed boy whom I had fallen in love with, name Raphael. Now I am Anika the beautiful, smart, and kind guardian of the gate to heaven. Oh and Raphael and I live together in my house. 

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