Chapter One

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The halls were crowded, everyone trying to get registered and leave as soon as possible. It was hard to move against the current, everyone rushing past as I struggled towards the front office. My size wasn't helpful, either- all it took was one push, and I was feet from where I walked moments before. So when an oblivious student slammed into me, not watching where he was going, I stumbled right back into someone else.

I internally groaned, not wanting to deal with anyone. At turning and seeing who it was, I groaned audibly.

The man wore a brown, corduroy suit, his glasses rims an ugly goldish-green. His thin brown hair looked like it could stand to be washed, his bristle mustache unflattering. His light brown slacks and oddly colored orange plaid tie clashed. Pinned to the breast of his coat was a name tag: Vice Principal Mr. McCoy.

"I'm so sorry," I said, maintaining eye contact. His watery eyes were hard, critical. "I didn't mean to. It's just crowded in here."

He grumbled. "Kids in a hurry to get into school and the moment you're in, you're doing anything to get out again." He backed up a bit before looking me over. His eyes hovered over the blouse I was wearing and then smoothed down over my waist and to my legs. "You also wear skirts that are too short," he said. "What's your name?"

My eyes widened as I realized he didn't know me. "I'm Sang."

"Last name?"


His eyes narrowed. "Sorenson," he bit out.

"McCoy," I said in a forced pleasant tone. I nodded, slipping past him. He didn't make a move to stop me.

I hadn't planned on being here today, still being rather shy around such large groups of people, but when a camera short circuited Mr. Blackbourne insisted. I was already registered for my classes, and the school didn't require my presence during registration, so after fixing the camera I just had to check in with Mr. Blackbourne and Dr. Green, and then I could leave.

Dr. Green. It still felt so odd to call him that. I had only known him for almost two years, now, but I hadn't ever had to call him that until this year. I hadn't even known he was a doctor for the longest time. But now that we had accepted this Ashley Waters mission, I had to call him that.

Right. The Ashley Waters mission.

I continued down the hallway, mentally reviewing the blueprints of the school. No one questioned my presence as I entered the main office, passing the secretaries busy with students, to go through a door on the other side of the room.

Beyond that, I was confronted with a series of small hallways. I got turned around a few times, having to retrace my steps and start again, but eventually I found myself at an unmarked door in a location that felt right. Taking a breath, I knocked in a random pattern before opening.

Inside was an inner office with a double set of brown, faux-wood office desks facing each other. Each had a computer and several stacks of papers piled neatly in brown plastic bins. There were a couple of file cabinets in the corners and a cork board nailed to the far wall with a calendar and a some other notes tacked to it. A small radio sat atop one of the file cabinets, a familiar violin concerto playing on a low volume.

At the desk against the far wall, my teammate(and one of my boyfriends) turned to greet me. "Miss Sorenson."

His eyes were steel gray, his skin pale, much like mine. His hair was a soft brown, cut short and brushed back away from his face. He wore black rimmed glasses, his face angular in a way that reminded me of a model's, his hands smooth, perfect.

"Mr. Blackbourne," I returned, mimicking his cool tone, but unable to restrain a smile. I had no idea how he managed to keep his expression blank all the time. Pushing the door shut behind me, I noted the empty desk across from him. "Where's Sean?"

Owen raised an eyebrow.

"Oops." My cheeks heated. "Doctor Green."

A millimeter smile tugged at his lips, softening his expression. It quickly disappeared as he shifted into business mode. "Mr. Hendricks wanted a word with him. Were you able to switch out the camera?"

I nodded. "Coach French might be a bit suspicious, though. I think she caught me coming out of the girls' locker room."

Putting a camera up in the locker room might seem unnecessary, but I had learned early on never to leave a blind spot. Even bathrooms and closets should be covered.

Mr. Blackbourne didn't say anything, though his face tightened, frowning.

A knock interrupted the near silence, the door swinging open moments afterwards. Doctor Green poked his head in, his face lighting up as he spotted me.

He had sandy blond hair, gentle curls cut to the middle of his ears. His eyes were a dazzling green, heart shaped face kind, just like his voice. He was a head taller than I was with tapered shoulders and a trim body. He almost appeared younger than he was, looking to be sixteen or seventeen, though I knew he was nineteen. So was Mr. Blackbourne, actually, the two of them both four years older than I was at fifteen.

"Dr. Green," Owen said sharply. "You don't have to knock. This is your office, too."

Dr. Green ignored him, coming in and wrapping me in a bone-crushing hug. "Pookie! I didn't know you'd be here!"

I rolled my eyes, grinning. "I had to replace the locker-room camera, remember?"

"Oh," he said, as if he had forgotten. I knew he hadn't. He'd been the one to alert me to the fact that they were down- he'd just wanted an excuse to hug me.

He released me at Mr. Blackbourne's insistence, though not without 'accidentally' flipping my long, blonde hair down over my eyes. I huffed, flipping it back over my shoulder. "Sean," I growled.

He snorted. "You're about as intimidating as a puppy."

"I am not!" I whined, pretending to be upset but giggling. It used to exasperate me every time he said that, but I had since grown to enjoy his teasing. I turned away, looking past him to the door. "I guess this puppy will just have to leave."

"Aww, you don't have to leave yet, do you?" He turned to his friend. "She doesn't have to leave, Owen, right? Tell her!"

Mr. Blackbourne didn't respond, purposefully keeping his attention directed towards whatever was on his computer screen.

Sean pouted, but didn't complain. "Fine. Give me a kiss goodbye?"

I glanced up at him, but gestured towards the open door. "We're in school, Doctor Green."

"Darn it." He wrinkled his nose but settled for another hug.

I checked to make sure Mr. Blackbourne wasn't watching, then snuck Doctor Green a quick peck on the cheek.

"I saw that," Owen called, but I was already out the door. 

The Safe PlaceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang