The encounter

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Krolia groaned, her body weakened by the impact of the crash. Her long, purple fingers fumbled, desperately trying to unbuckle herself. She had landed on an alien planet, and there was no guarantee that the earth's inhabitants were peaceful.

As if on cue, the roof of her ship was split open with a loud crack. Krolia flinched, looking up to meet an unidentifiable figure staring right back at her. She watched as the alien's silhouette flickered in the moonlight. Her vision became hazy, and her eyes grew heavy. Soon, everything around her was engulfed in black.

Warm. Soft. Such a lovely bed. Krolia rolled onto her side, pulling the sheets closer. A feeling of uneasiness creeped towards her. No, too soft. Far too soft. The living chambers in the Blade of Marmora headquarters never offered sleeping arrangements this comfortable. Slowly, her eyes opened to a narrowed squint. She was in a natives hut. Sitting across from her was a human being. He was eating a soup of kind, the white broth staining his mouth. Sensing her movement, the human turned around to meet Krolia's gaze. Without a moments hesitation, he flashed his teeth at her. They weren't very sharp or impressive, but a threat nonetheless.

"Morn'n" he chirped.

Within seconds, Krolia had pinned him to the floor. She was more than capable of taking on this potential adversary, even if he had taken both her knife and blaster.

"Who are you? Where is my ship?" The galra woman demanded.

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" The man cried out, eyes wide with shock. "I don't mean you no harm-"

"My ship? Where is it?" Krolia repeated, glaring down at him.

"It's...completely wrecked." He explained. "I was sleepin' when all of a sudden I heard this crash. I came out to see what happened, and I saw your ship. Then I saw you, and, well, I needed to get you outta there. I come in peace. Earth comes in peace. Really, I don't wanna cause any trouble..."

Krolia was silent for a moment. Finally, she released him, allowing him to slump to the ground. The man stood up, rubbing his wrists.

"I'm sorry" she muttered, her monotone voice hiding any sign of emotion. "I needed to take precautions. Thank you for your aid and hospitality. It does not go unappreciated. I must leave now."

In an instant, the Galra had turned her back and began to walk out the door.

"Wait!" The human called out. "Where are you going?"

Before Krolia could answer, a cloud of smoke had caught her eye. Beneath the grayish mist and painted earth skies lay her ship. A ball formed in the pit of the Galra's stomach.

"Trokzi" Krolia cursed, mouth fixed in an agitated snarl. She turned to face the human behind her. He remained unmoving, watching her from a long distance away. Krolia sighed, making her way back to the human hut.

"Do you think you'll be able to fix it?" The man asked.

The Galra shook her head. "I'm afraid not. It's damaged beyond repair."

The both of them were quiet.

"Well," the human began, breaking the silence. "You can stay with me, if you'd like. At least, until your able to get back to your people."

"That's very kind of you" The Galra replied. With a bit of hesitation, she extended a long arm towards the friendly stranger.

The man's eyes widened in awe. His fingers intertwined with hers as he shook her arm up and down, causing Krolia to twitch in discomfort. How could another alien's formal greeting be so familiar, yet so strange?

"Welcomed to earth" the man proclaimed, baring his teeth again. "The name's Daniel. What's yours?"


"Krolia" the man echoed, a sense of wonder in his voice. "That's a beautiful name."

The woman's face remained expressionless, unsure of how reply. She watched as the human's began to turn red. His hand rose to scratch his head before balling into a fist. He coughed into it.

"Well, uh, Come on in! Ya hungry? I was just startn' to make some breakfast". Daniel said, gesturing towards the entrance of the hut.

Krolia followed behind the human, examining her new temporary place of living.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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