Labor Pains

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We arrive in Babylon, The man gets off, the guards look up and down at Chris, then they realize, It's the lost prince, we continue to the castle, we walk there, there's a huge wall, there's a huge gate, huge guards, they say, "HALT! WHO ARE YOU?" Chris states our names, and why we're here, the guard nods and lets us in, Chris holds my hand, we get into the castle, we're being escorted by a butler named Godfrey, he leads us into a big room high, high, up in the clouds, he sits us on a white loveseat, and tells us to wait.

5 mins passed

15 mins passed, "Chris, when are they coming?" "Soon Love, Soon." "Chris, while we're waiting can we think of baby names?" Chris smiles, "How about..... Bronx and Lilith?" I shake my head, "How about.... Bronx and Brooklyn?" Chris smiles even more and nods, "I Love those names Rose, Bronx and Brooke for short, lovely and cute."

30 mins passed "Chris, I don't think they want to see us...... They're never coming....." 'Don't say that, I know they will, they're my parents, and they're old.... and really slo....." Chris stops, and restarts

"Hey Mom, Hey Dad!" I reply too, "Hello, Queen & King Smith...." They go sit down on the opposite side of us on the same type of chair, face to face. I speak to Chris in his mind, "Chris can you start the conversation, and please make it elegant and quick, I feel like I'm having contractions, they're getting strong, very quick." Chris understands he nods his head, and he speaks as fast as he can to tell them what happened and what's going on, "So Mom, Dad, this is Elizabeth, you can call her Liz for short, and she is My Mate, My Wife, and My Children, Elizabeth is pregnant with your grandchildren, and my daughter and son, and we have been traveling a long way, been abused, deaths, so many things, so please, can we get a doctor and a nurse and medicine fast. please mom, I didn't know Liz was going into labor today, it was supposed to be three days after today, and they're growing rapidly. please." his mother looks at his father, they both nod to each other, then at Chris, then his mom snaps her fingers and Godfrey comes, she whispers in his ear, and he asks all of us to come with us, I feel like I can't move, Chris heard my words, he picks me up and goes where ever Godfrey points, and Chris's parents follow, we come to this room, elegant room, sunlight shines through the windows, beautiful, then Chris's Mom Snaps her fingers again, and starts commanding, "GODFREY, TONS OF BLANKETS, TWO BABY CARRIAGES, TWO CRADLES, TAILORED CLOTHES, THAT DOCTOR I ASKED FOR.....(Godfrey replies, "I Already did he's coming in 15 mins, he's grabbing supplies and staff.") she nods to Godfrey, and she tells Chris to bring me to the bathroom and help me undress into a nightgown, he comes into another room with me, and we talk really quick but it feels like an eternity, Chris is smiling at me, so cute, "I'm so pleased to know that my children are going to be here any minute, Rose, when do you want to do the wedding?" I smile back at Chris, "I think after I know the children are safe from evil, (I rub my necklace, he understands.) then we can get married, officially, and so everybody knows that you're mine Sage." he smiles even bigger, "Rose, I called a guy earlier, and he said that he got our luggage from Charlotte's ship, so I have the necklaces for the babies, (He holds them up to me, I gently grab them from his hands, I'm so... no words to even describe how I feel, I do the best I can to hug him, I'm sitting down so the most I could do was hug him on the humps of his hips, there's no words to describe how loved and how much I'm going to remeber these moments are.The only other thing in my mind is, am I going to have stretch marks? I don't think so, I didn't see any, so yeah, but is it going to hurt? I'm only 17, I really don't know anything, should I talk Chris's mom?) Chris laughs and speaks, "I think you should talk to her, you know nothing about this, I don't either so I really think you should, she won't bite, you're one of the family now, and she is really friendly once you get to know her." and he winks at me, I nod and agree, Chris picks me up again, and carried into the room I described as beautiful earlier, Chris sets me down on a really comfy bed that I know that I'll soon destroy, I feel bad, then I ask Chris to leave the room with his father, Godfrey, and the nurses and doctors and maids, I ask him to tell his mother to stay in the room wtih me because I want to ask her some questions, she comes to my bed side and holds my hand and sits next to me and starts talking to me, "Hello Elizabeth, I know that Christopher asked me to talk to you about the birthing process, I was once you my dear, I was scared, I was happy, I was nervous, but I knew that someday all of that pain and sobbing, good kind of sobbing, would pay off with my hansome son with a beautiful wife and is having beautiful children with a wonderful woman like you, Elizabeth, (she rubs my hand with her other hand on top of mine) I mean, Liz.., it may hurt alot, and you're doing this twice, I only had to do it once, so I don't know much about the second time around, but then there's a story you can tell me or your children." She pats my hand, hugs me and kisses me on the fore head and leaves the room to go get everybody that was waiting outside the door, "You did great Rose, my mother phisically touched you without knowing you very much and complimented you... alot!" Chris walks into the room first, he grabs a chair and brings it up to my side of the bed, and he grabs my hand and starts rubbing it too, the doctor checks, he says, "10' Dialated, and crowning, It's time to push Princess Elizabeth."

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