Chapter Two

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.....Then something shocking happened!

Nick sat by me! I was the third one in the class and. There were plenty vacant seats far away from me but, he chose to sit by me! The room started filling up and I realized I was smiling like an idiot, so I wiped the smile off my face and got out my math book and my notebook.

The stupid math teacher have awful teaching methods and lectures that made no sense! I hated this class already!

Finally, after what seemed like days of math class, the bell rang. I quickly got packed up and rushed to my locker to put my stuff away and get new stuff out.

I was still packing when I heard footsteps running the direction I was in. It was Nick! He looked like he was running right toward me but, he passed me and high-fived his best friend Will.

When I got to my next class I saw Sarah. Ew, Sarah. The ugly bully. Nick sat down next to me again, then Sarah plopped down next to him. In the middle of our teachers speech she started talking to him, we'll not talking more like whispering.

"Do you wanna go see a movie or something?" Sarah asked him.

" to....go to a.....bridal shower?" Nick said to her trying to find an excuse not to go.

"Oh, ok." She said back to him with hate and disappointment ringing through her voice.

Once the bell rang it was time for lunch. I got my lunch from my locker and plopped down at an empty table. Nick sat next to me and the table soon filled up way past the limit of people.

"How come you keep sitting by me?" I asked in a teasing tone, with a small smile on my face.

"I've seen you around school and you seem pretty nice, do you possibly want to hang out some time?" He asked nervously. :3

"Hmmm, i don't know...." I teased. "Ummm, sure!" I finally answered.

The entire table was eavesdropping on us during the conversation. Nick was pretty popular I guess.

Once I finished all of my classes, I rose on the bus home. "Hello!!! I'm home!" I screamed at the empty house. My parents were never home.

I went into my room and put my book bag at the end of my bed. I lied down and closed my eyes, I was starting to fall asleep when I heard a door slam.

I ran out of my room hoping to see my parents but, nobody was there. I saw that the bathroom door was shut even though I could've sworn it was wide open earlier. I slowly tip-toed down the creaky hall and opened the door expecting a burglar. When I opened it I saw nothing but bright red writing on the mirror that wrote "GET OUT" I snapped a picture with my cell phone for prove and ran.

I ran as fast as I possibly could to get out of the house. I called 911 as fast as I possibly could and told them exactly what happened and my information.

Soon loud sirens were pulling into my driveway. They came into my bathroom and looked closely at the mirror.

"Nothing is there!" One girl said after the inspection.

"But! I have prove!" I tried to convince her.

"Let me see then!" She said angrily.

I showed her the picture. She gasped as her response. Then she looked at me and asked, "is this some sick joke!?

I explained exactly what happened after I got home. She nodded and told me that they would be in touch with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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