Chapter 1

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I have decided to work on a new story and not continue with my old one. I hope you guys enjoy it. As of now, there are only two pages to it, but I will be updating it soon. This is copyrighted, so all rights reserved to me. Do not distribute it. Thank you. I hope you guys enjoy my story!


There was nothing left of the old world. The wake of those vile creatures led to eternal suffering for those of us who could not handle the end of our world. As humans, we were but entertainment. The higher ups deemed us as but toys that could be broken at any given moment - be it with or without force. Some of us willingly surrendered to death than to live a life of suffering and oppression. 

They were called Surematu or the immortals. Their wretched selves brought upon shame to humanity as well as the stench of death. Humans were driven out of whole cities, left to die. Though, some were kept for solely entertainment purposes.  They were known to be pets, or the shamed. They would deface themselves for the purpose of living another day. These acts, of course, eventually led to their death. The world as we humans knew it came crashing when they descended from wherever they once resided.

I went by the name Lorelei (the only name I knew of) and lived outside of the inner city, a place filled to the brim with peasants and the sort. We were seen as incapable of anything. And so, the Surematu deemed us unworthy of much of anything. We would scavenge for food, steal, bribe, and at times kill the person next to us. This place was a survival area for us. It was not a home or a safe house….no, it was a prison that only the strong could survive. I was born here, into this suffering. My mother had left me early and I had to learn to fend for myself. The immortals did little to nothing to support those outside the walls. Though even when we idolized them and hoped for their grace, they gave us nothing.

I was not as naïve as the rest. My mother had taught me how to read, write, history, and some mathematics. It was strange for an incapable to know such things, so I always did wonder where it was my mother came from before this. Though I did not think of it much since the Surematu took over my thoughts most of the time. I would think of how to defeat them, what methods I’d use, how I would gather my army together, and so forth, but what use was it to dream of such things? No one could kill such an immortal, let alone approach one.

I lived in Ground Area B, or to the east of the inner city. It was comprised of decapitated buildings, crumbling from old age and vicious acts against it, and vines that seemed to travel almost everywhere. I was lucky to live in such a part, for we often got more food than the other ground areas. We were not prone to attack by the savages, or those humans who drank the blood of an immortal, since they could not get past the forest. Such creatures were the protégés of the Surematu, who used them to hunt enemies and occasionally unleashed them for pure entertainment.

I stayed away from open areas and usually found myself away from others. It irked me when others fought and yelled at one another for it was meaningless. Their voices were an annoyance, their problems never solved, and their way of life utterly horrid. Fighting led to nothing, but was thought of as essential. This hate filled city reeked of violence and undeserving individuals. Families were no more. One did not look out for others, only themselves. This was a city whose residents abided by one law only: to survive.

It was yet another day in this grotesque area as I found myself walking home after an unsuccessful hunting trip. I had gone down into the forest with my shotgun (one of the only memento’s I had of my mother) in order to possibly catch some deer or rabbit. I had traveled quite a bit into the forest, but alas, found nothing of importance. It was quite irritating when animals would hide themselves in the inner dwellings of the forest, but it was far worse when none were even present to begin with. As the day ended, I put my shotgun in its holster and left for my home, which was just another abandoned building. As I got there, I opened the door to only hear but a squeak and then walked inside to find that the place had not changed. It was still damp, dark, and in need of good cleaning. I had a couple pillows and blankets laid out on the ground and some jerky I had made in its jar right next to it. Of course, it was nothing fancy. Those in the outer city craved for extravagant things such as a bed, fruits, a bathroom, and what not, though we could never get anything of that sort here. It was merely a fantasy of sorts for us.

I slung my things onto the floor and collapsed onto the ground, rather harshly I must say. The day had gotten to me and I felt tired. I took this time to drift off into sleep and to possibly forget about this world I lived in. As I nodded off, I began to imagine my life in a different sense – one where I was rich and lived comfortably. Though it would never happen, it did leave me hoping. With that last thought, I began to close my eyes and drift off into the abyss.

The next day I awoke to loud noises outside. I quickly got up and looked through one of the cracks in the window to see a large group of people about a couple yards away. They were surrounding something, though I did not know what. Out of curiosity, I began to run out into the distance only to hit something, hard. As I fell down, I caught a glimpse of what I had just hit. It was a man in his early twenties..that much I could tell. As I adjusted my eyesight, I saw that he was very handsome indeed. He had light brown hair and the greenest eyes I had ever seen. His jaw line was sharp but soft, his nose formed nicely to frame his face, his body built well, and so on. He was beastly, yet very ethereal. It was hard to take my eyes off of him.

He gave me one good look and turned away. I was in such a dream state that I forgot to ask him his name. As I snapped out of it, I quickly grabbed onto his garments (which were quite expensive) and said “Please, won’t you tell me your name?” The man must’ve been shocked since I saw it on his face almost instantaneously. He quickly collected himself and shook my hand off, and said, “Why would I tell an incapable my name – such blasphemy!” I looked at him, anger filling my eyes. I had thought he would at least be civilized with me, but I guess not. “Sorry for asking then!” I yelled. What a horrid personality I thought. I would never fall in love with someone like him. I got up, dusted myself off, and ran towards where I initially set off to, all the while thinking of what a jackass he was.

However, unbeknownst to me, the man had come to somehow realize something about me....Though he did not know if it were indeed true or not.

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