Chapter One

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BEEP BEEP BEEP is the first thing I hear on the first day of school. I get up slowly, then rush to turn off the awful sound. Ew, it's the first day of school.

I go to my closet and put on what I think is the perfect outfit for the first day. A shortish white skirt, a light pink fancy patterned tank-top, and light pink flats.

I curl my chocolate brown hair and put on a bit of make-up. I brush my teeth, grab my bag, and head off to the bus-stop without a second thought about breakfast.

When the bus arrives it stops very suddenly, jolting the students inside. I go into the bus and sit in the middle, I wasn't sure wether to sit in the back or the front. Where you sit on the bus basically describes your personality. If you are in the back you are loud and naughty. If you are in the front, you are quiet or shy. If you sit in the middle, you're just a regular student.

A few jolts later, we arrive at our destination. School. Such an awful word. It has so many awful meanings like; homework, six hours of being bored and tortured, mean teachers, useless things to learn, and worst of all, no electronics!

I walk into the wretched building and find my first class, history. I sit in a chair near the middle of the class because once again it describes your personality. In front, the know-it-alls and the smart ones. In the back, the ones that mouth off and get bad grades. In the middle, the normal ones with average grades.

I took notes and listened to the teacher say a long lecture that lasted the whole class. Like I said, the kids in the back were whispering to each other and messing around, while the kids in the front were copying every word the teacher said in their notebooks.

Finally the bell rang. It was only the first half an hour and I was already sick of high-school. I put all of my books into my bag and went straight to my locker. I put all the stuff I didn't need into it and shut it tight. I started walking to my math class when I was pushed into another set of lockers. Hard. The impact knocked the air out of me.

I looked up and saw my worst enemy. Sarah Levine. I got straight up and slapped her across the face. "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?" I screamed at her. "Pushing the ugliest girl in the school!" She snapped holding her face in her hands where I had slapped her.

"YOU'RE UGLIER THEN ME, STUPID!" I told her. It wasn't a lie either, most people shuddered and looked away when she passed by. She had such ugly light brown hair that looked almost gray! It was never brushed or done. Her face had too much acne to count, she was paler then a ghost, and she even TALKED ugly. How can you TALK ugly!? She also wore baggy shirts, sweatpants, and CROCS! Who wears crocs!?

Me and her shared the same crush. Nick Weeber. He had messy unkept blonde hair that he swept to the side. He had beautiful crystal blue eyes, and perfectly tanned skin. He was the perfect guy, and I tried to look my best, every day for him.

I pushed past Sarah and continued walking to my math class, trying not to get shoved into a locker again. I was kind of excited to go to math class because Nick was there! I sat in the middle again, and you know why. When something shocking happened!

A/N sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger, but I want to make you wanna read more xD please don't hate bc I love you guys! Thanks for reading the first chapter anyway, I hope you enjoy the story! xD

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