~Chapter five~

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"Here you are ladies, so who's paying me back?" my mom asked as she handed us out drinks.

Nobody replied.

"I'm kidding, i'm kidding, nobody freak out!" she said laughing.

"Oh! haha! you're very funny Ms. Jones!" said Andréa.

"Oh please, you make me sound old when you call me by my work name, just call me kelly!" she said as she took a sip of her coffee. "Except for you dear, you call me mom!" she said sternly.

"Alright, well thanks mom, for the drinks!" i took a long sip.

"Oh, thanks 'kelly'. " Said trinity and drea consecutively.

"You're welcome !" she said as she put her cup in the holder and pulled out.

"So, Emma, what time do you want to be picked up?" asked mom.

"5:30-6:00?" i said in a questioningly tone.

"Sounds good, but i want you home for dinner and a shower and homework and cuddle time and-

"Ok ok, i should be home for all of those mom!" i said kissing her shoulder.

"Good, because i don't want my baby leaving me every day of the week and missing cuddle/ tv show time." she said with a pouty face, im happy to know she wouldn't watch an episode of Dr. Who without me.

"Don't worry mom, i won't!" i said and stuck out my middle finger.

"Emma honey its your pinky."

"No, pinkies don't swear here, middle fingers do, so im swearing my promise." i said holding it out further.

"Fine!" she sighed and wrapped her middle finger around mine. "i find its cuter with pinkies though." she told me.

"Yes mother." i laughed and so did trinity and drea.

"So, you guys excited for tomorrow! another hang out day!" i said acting even more.

"Not really, we're doing work." said drea playing along.

"Haha, i was at that stage too! until i realized that when you get older you get paid for it!" said my mom laughing.

"Yep, but we have to do all the work, and don't get anything!" said trinity laughing with my mom.

"Well you get smarter, and its something to do 5 days of the week of 10 months of your life for about 17 years!" she said with a depressing smile.

"Oh, that makes me so much more excited for the next few school years to come!" i said looking at mom and scrunching my lips.

"Sorry, i was just warning you." she pulled into trinitys home and both drea and trinity got out, drea lived next door to her.

"Thanks for the drive kelly!" they said together.

"You're welcome, anytime!" then they shut the door to our Honda civic.

"Time for us to go home now!" she pulled out if trin's driveway as i waved good bye to them.

"Yay, home time!" i slurped up half of my iced Capp as we drove away.

^the next morning^

"Ok Meeko, i'm going to school now, don't chew anything up while im gone!" i said yelling to my brown and white, dark brown eyed, small chubby mutt dog, as i closed the door.

The cool breeze was picking up now that it was September, i was wearing my bright blue and yellow running sneakers, with dark blue skinny jeans, a plain black long sleeved shirt with my hair down and curly. Simple, yet, nice.

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