At the river

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Finally, exhausted and excited, I arrived at the river just in time as the sun set through the trees. I thought that I should get some rest when suddenly I heard a rustle in the bushes and standing before me was a huge, orange ocelot. It was so big I thought it was a tiger but then I realised it didn't have stripes but instead it had circular markings. The ocelot asked me if I was lost.
"No. I'm just on an adventure to this windy river," I replied.
The ocelot said, "The best place to sleep is up in that tree because it is the safest place to be.  It is safe because all the snakes and the crocodiles can't climb that high."
Banana the sloth started to climb the tree. He climbed higher and higher when he found a five star branch with the perfect view of the rainforest.
Banana reached down and grabbed the biggest juicy leaves and spent the next hour slowly feasting on them. He was feeling very tired and hung himself over a long skinny branch to sleep.
As I woke to the sound of the running river I gazed over the rainforest. Rising towards the sun was a
humongous , skinny tree and at that moment I realised I wanted to climb that tree , and then I saw it a boat on the windy river and the river led to that tree.

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