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Greg found out about the failed exam. I am guessing it was my dad who told him, since they are so close. I got a lecture from him about responsibilities and it took everything I had not to bawl like a little baby in front of him. He told me to seriously think about quitting sports in my last year so I could focus on my studies.

I didn't want to though. It wasn't like I tried to slack off. In all honesty I just didn't have the motivation or smarts for that kind of thing. What was the point in trying to be good at something I just wasn't? I knew my strengths and I wanted to focus on those. Hell, I could handle university level maths, so couldn't they give me a break on the other stuff?

It was pretty disappointing knowing that my brother felt I let him down, but what is a guy to do? After that visit I felt kind of sick to my stomach for a while, and even though I was so looking forward to my new job... my first week fell a little flat. I am sure it wasn't the job. It was just how I felt from our 'talk.'

Nathan noticed how I was, and when I told him what happened at home he patted my head gently. He was such a good guy. I didn't get a lecture from him, not even a comment about being let down. He just asked me if I did my best. I nodded tiredly and that was it.

So here I was now, a month in to my new job, and I was loving it! I got to advise customers at the front desk with parts and labour quotes, I took appointments and scheduled oil changes at the back desk, and I cleaned the shop premises... including the bathroom.

I didn't mind at all. I met a ton of new people as they stopped at the shop and I felt like I was really where I was meant to be. Nathan was happy that I was cheering up and we hung out at lunch time together. Half of the things he talked about regarding his future I didn't understand, but I didn't care because he was my best friend. I just smiled and nodded, listening to him talk.

It was after lunch that everything changed. We got back from eating and I was headed to the back desk when I saw one of the apprentices doing an oil change on a slick ride. At first glance it seemed fine, but when the label on the oil caught my eye... I gasped and ran over.

"Dude, you cannot put that oil in this car." I pointed at the stuff he had out and the apprentice, Charles, gave me a look like I was a stupid kid.

"Whatever man. Just go be a desk jockey and leave me to my work." He sneered. I grabbed his shirt and held him back from going further.

"No. I am trying to tell you that you can't use that oil in this car. Listen to me. You will fuck up this engine so bad if you put that in this beautiful beast. Don't do it." I insisted, my voice raising slightly. I was angry at the guy. He was at least a couple years older than me and he should know better.

"Is there a problem?" I looked over at the very handsome and well dressed man who has spoke. Charles gave him a smarmy smile.

"No sir. I'll have your car done in no time." He replied.

"Yes there is. He is about to put the wrong oil in your car. If he does it could mess up your engine. I suggest you speak to my manager right away." I told the guy. The man looked alarmed and glared daggers at Charles.

"You. Don't move a muscle. You touch my car before I get back and I will take you to court." He pointed one long thin finger at the man and stalked through the shop towards the office. I went to the back desk and took up my position calmly. I had done my job and prevented a catastrophe. I heard raised voices from the oil change bays and peeked over to watch.

Dan was standing next to the hot guy. His face was nearly red and he was yelling at the apprentice, Charles. Charles looked belligerent and was yelling back at him. My eyes widened as I watched the two of them face off. Dan was livid. The annoyed customer was waiting patiently while they argued, until finally Charles had a melt-down and left.

Dan spoke softly to the gentleman and put away the oil that had been taken out for the oil change. He saw him bring out the right stuff and finish the guy's oil change himself. It wasn't often that Dan would come out on the floor for something as simple as an oil change, and he had been doing this job for so long that it took him no time at all to finish it.

They shook hands afterwards and then the hot guy made his way over to the back desk. I was on the phone with a customer, but the guy stood there and waited for me to finish. I blushed a little under his intense gaze. It was super unnerving. I hung up the phone at last and turned to him.

"Can I help you?" I asked hesitantly. He smiled at me and I felt my heart pick up painfully.

"Actually you already did. I wanted to say thank you." He said with feeling. I gulped at the warm, friendly look in his eyes.

"Y-y-your welcome. I-i-it was nothing." I breathed. I was wringing my hands a little and when he glanced down at the movement, I panicked and hid them. He grinned a little at me and leaned onto the desk.

"Oh I think it was something. You saved my car. I was thinking maybe I could do something for you? Do you want to grab some coffee or a bite some time?" He snapped out a business card and held it out to me with a raised brow. I took it with a trembling hand and nodded a little.

"S-s-sure. I would like that." I replied quietly. He smiled at me and gave a little wave as he headed out the door. I stared after him like a confused teenager. Oh wait. I was a confused teenager. Did that just happen? I stared down with unseeing eyes at the bright white paper in my hands. His name and information glared at me in black.

I tucked it into my pocket after saving the information quickly on my phone. Then I proceeded to daydream about the hot guy that gave me his business card while I worked. It definitely helped me pass the time at the service desk. All I could think was... maybe he was the one.

A/N uh oh... a new player has entered the game... dun dun dun...

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