Wrong number ???? 20

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C-why is it so awkward between us now
J-you already know why
C-we'll yeah but can we not be awkward and be friends
J-yeah friends......
C-Jayden I didn't mean it like tha—
J-no I get it you don't like me anymore so you just want to be friends
Jayden ran upstairs she started looking through a box with memories of her and Connor and started crying she took of her locket and placed it in the box.She didn't feel like going downstairs and seeing Connor so she snuck out the window
A-Jayden are you okay
H-is she in there
C- yeah she ran up here
They opened her door
H-what's that
They saw the box of pictures with her and Connor and saw the locket inside the box
A-Connor? What did you tell her
C-I asked her if we can put the awkwardness behind us and be friends
H-Connor you know how sensitive she is
C-I didn't mean it like that though
A-let's just go find her!!!!!!!!
We drove around everywhere
H-where could she be?!?
H-the beach?!?
A-why didn't we think of this before?!?


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