Chapter 1: Introducing the Human, the Cat Lover!

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It wasn't raining. It was pouring. The heavens lashed down in long piercing strikes against the pavement. Gutters were over flowing and London traffic had slowed to stop with drivers being slower than usual, you could barely see three feet in front of yourself if you were one of those brave enough to walk outside.
    And (Y/N) was. Well, brave might not be what she was, she was probably going to get sick. But she loved the Summer storms that graced Britain; the forked blue lightning that blew up streetlights, the dark clouds suffocating the sky, and the icy rain pelting down, bouncing off cars and the grey concrete, and the cries of little kittens trying to get out of the rain.
Wait, she thought, kittens? She looked around, she was no where near the pet shop. She glanced around again, a quick sweep of her surroundings, there wasn't many people out and about today so why are there kittens outside? The strays usually find somewhere with shelter... But they sounded young... what if their mum abandoned them?
    Now, everyone who knew (Y/N), knew that she loved cats, dedicated most of her time to cats, but didn't actually have any. Her landlord hated them and refused to let her bring one into the house. She pursed her lips weighing up the options; she could take them home for the night IF she couldn't find the mum and then take them to the shelter, or she could just keep them. If they didn't have a mum, or she could take the mum too... kids, cough, kittens could be handful.
    She knew there was an alley between the shops ahead, they might be there under the bins, or in them, to shelter from the rain. She tightened the grip on her umbrella and proceeded to opening, the rain still splashing down.There's got to be more than three if I can here them over the rain, (Y/N) thought to herself.
    There was no shelter at all in the alley. The grates were overflowing with rainwater and grime from the gutters that line the tall building around her. There was a small group of them, they hadn't even noticed she was there, they were soaked and shaking, fur puffed out from anger and irritation. They looked like weird, wet hedgehogs with the way their fur was sticking together with the water. The hissing and mewing stopped as she approached, avoiding a large puddle in the process.
    She giggled at their wide eyes as she crouched, 'Street babies, huh? Not seen a person before?' Her voice was soft as she cooed and reached a hand out towards them. Shigaraki, now a grey British short hair, hissed in response only to be laughed at by the girl looking down on him. He would make her crumble.
    He launched forward and batted her with all his kitten might, and nothing happened. She laughed again, scooping him up despite his protests. 'Well, aren't you feisty.' His struggles went unnoticed as she checked him over, there was no visible harm he was just wet and cold. She kept hold of him in one hand as she shrugged off her backpack, careful not to let it touch the ground.
    The other kittens just stared. Shock rocking their now small forms as they realised that their quirks had been disabled in this weak form. Toga, a golden tabby, was the first to act. Being a professional when it came to sharp objects she was the first to realise she had claws, and kittens had sharp claws. She too launched herself in an attempt to attack but it was no use against the girl who volunteered at the cat shelter.
    (Y/N) let the small kitten attack her covered legs (Toga kept getting her claws stuck in the weave of the jeans and this made the human giggle, she could imagine the battle cries of the small fluff ball), she carried on rearranging her bag so that kittens would fit inside. At some point with the altercation, if you could even call it that, with the grey kitten, she had dropped her umbrella and two of the kittens, one she noticed had severe burn scars on its face and paws, had scurried underneath it in hopes for shelter.
    She placed the grey cat in the bag and moved for the angry kitten witch was currently attached to her jeans, trying to chew her way off. She gently pried the kitten off her knee and held it up to her face, only to be met with wide yellow eyes, pupils a mere slit. 'You,' she said, 'Need a chill pill. I'm trying to get you to a warm place.' She did a quick health check, now looking for burn marks of any kind on this kitten.She placed it in the bag with other one who was now hissing at her.
    The burned cat mewed, and (Y/N) looked towards the umbrella, another kitten, a tortie, was now rolling around trying to eat its tail and knocking the other two down in the process. The human snorted and scooped the burned kitten up gently. The burns were one the chest too. She was concerned, quickly placing him in the bag because he was shaking more than the others she had plucked from the ground.
    Only two left, the sane one and, well, the oddball. She held her hand towards the grey tabby kitten and he tentatively crept towards her. Before he could think twice about his actions she had him her gentle hands and was checking him for any signs of trauma. Once satisfied she moved to the black and sandy tortie with a distinctive ginger marking running down his forehead.
    Twice looked up into the big (E/C) eyes that gazed at him. He liked them, he wanted to rip them out. Even in this form, he was close to splitting without a cover. The large hands scooped his wet form up and brought him closer to her face. He licked their fingers, and then bit them, drawing blood. He was sorry, and he wasn't.
    (Y/N) crinkled her nose, but what else could she expect from a tortoiseshell kitty, they were crazy cats. 'I like you,' she whispered with a short laugh, and placed him in with the kittens. Zipping her now mewing and wriggling bag partway shut, she picked up her umbrella and looked around the alleyway for any more little crazies.
    She'd got them all. With a triumphant smile, wet hair and bloody finger, she hooked her bag round her front and held it one arm in hopes to warm up the little bastard cats she's just rescued from hypothermia, and re-started her journey home.

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