I'm here to Stay | Part 2

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The family had later got the news that Lena had lost the baby. Mariana cried in Stef's arms, Jude hugged Callie close, shaking. Brandon's eye's widened, than softened as he hugged Stef close. Jesùs embraced Mariana.

They'd planned a small memorial service for "Baby Frankie." After exiting the backyard, Jude went upstairs to his room to make a call... he knew what he had to do. He needed to talk to Connor, tell him everything.

Jude picked up the phone, dialing Connor's number and waiting for him to answer. After the third ring Connor answered.

"Hello?" Jude missed Connor's voice so much... he missed talking to him. He took a deep breath , "Hey..." He said, trying to think of what to say.

"Jude? You- What's up?" Connor replied, clearly confused on why Jude was calling him... more importantly why Jude was talking to him.

"Can you... come over? I think we need to talk." Jude admitted, waiting as silence took over the line. Connor's dad still didn't want Connor to be in Jude's company, no matter what the reason. Knowing Connor... he'd find a way to make it work.

"Sure... I'll be over in about ten minutes." He said, Jude nodded , "See you then." He said before hanging up. Everything is going to come out now... the truth. Why he'd been acting wierd since the Maddie situation, why'd been silent and purposly avoiding his friend... everything.

-10 Minutes Later-

A knock sounded on the door, and Jude let Lena answer it. He listened by the door ... "Oh... Hey, Connor. Come in." She said.

"Jude! Connor is here to see you!" She called. Jude took a deep breath before making his way down the stairs. Lena had left them alone, returning to her chair to continue reading the paper. Jude and Connor made their way to the backyard.

"So why'd you ask me to come over?" Connor questioned as they sat down in the grass. Jude pulled at the weeds, trying to avoid his friends' gaze. He eventually gave up... looking at his older friend. "Erm... I felt like I owed you an explanation for everything." Connor nodded at his words.

"Con... I'm sorry I ignored you." Jude apologized. He really did feel bad, although something inside of him couldn't forgive Connor fully. He'd lied to Jude's face multiple times, he had proved he wouldn't have wanted to be around Jude if Jude was gay... and it hurt .

"Jude... I messed up, alot. I said to your face I wouldn't want to be around you if you were gay... which isn't true at all, man," Connor admitted ,"I lied to your face that I'd defended you to my dad. I wanted to keep our friendship a secret, which would be the stupidest thing I could do. You're my best friend Jude... I don't want anything ruining that." He finished . Jude nodded, accepting his friend's apology. He still had things he wanted to say.

"Con... I have more to tell you." He exclaimed... and Connor nodded for him to continue.

"The reason I was avoiding you was because... I was really hurt. Hurt that you wouldn't want to be around me if I was gay. Hurt that you snuck out to my house... and lied to me about it. I was upset about... the whole party in general. And about your dad not liking me based on my sexuality. I was worried the one person I trusted the most to accept me... wouldn't." Jude admitted , looking down at his hands.

Connor moved closer to Jude, putting his hand on his shoulder. Jude looked up at his friend. "Jude, you know I would accept you. I wouldn't care what sexuality you were... I like you for you. I wouldn't let anything ruin our friendship. Whether you're gay, or straight, or whatever, it doesn't bother me." He reassured him. Jude flinched at the word 'friendship'.

He still had been debating his feelings for his older friend... He knew he'd feelings for him, some kind of complicated, confusing feelings that made no sense whatsoever. He was still figuring out his sexuality... although he decided awhile back he wouldn't label himself by his personal preferences...

"Is there something else?" Connor questioned, giving Jude a questionable look. Jude's heart picked up speed.

"I- Do you remember that argument we had about Maddie?" Connor nodded in response. "Well... You know how... after it all went away... I started acting weird?" Jude asked.

Connor nodded again, "Yeah, i was wondering what that was all about." Jude sighed, trying to choose his words wisely, so that nothing was taken the wrong way.

"Erm... When you said you, liked Maddie. I got... sort of ... jealous." Jude admitted, pulling at the overgrown weeds below him. He waited for a response from his friend, bracing himself for the worse.

"Why?" Connor asked, looking at Jude for the answer.

"I- I don't know. I guess... I guess I was scared she would take you away from me. It's confusing... I still don't know why I got jealous." Jude was still hiding something, and Connor quickly noticed this. Jude wasn't telling something... the one thing that he'd been disclosing from his friend since the beginning.

Connor rested his hand on Jude's knee, noticing how Jude reacted. He cocked an eyebrow at his smaller friend... he was definetly hiding something.

"Jude... I know you're avoiding telling me something. I don't know what it is... but you can tell me." Connor reassured Jude. Jude closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. The truth was about to come out... and he had no idea how his friend would react.

"I think I like you." Jude whispered, barely audible. Connor caught his words, his eyes widening in not disgust , but curiosity.

"You have feelings for me?" He questioned curiously. Jude tried to avoid his friends gaze, "yeah... I think so." He admitted.

"Since when?" Connor asked. Jude tried to think back to when his feelings first came about. The 'nail polish' incident? No... 'When Connor asked if he could take Maddie on a date?' Yes.

"Since you first told me you liked Maddie. That was when I began questioning my feelings. I still don't know how I feel... I just know I like you. I'm still not even sure of my sexuality." Jude muttered, feeling relieved the whole truth had came out, and hadn't yet blown up in his face.

"Okay." Connor responded blankly, staring at the ground. He was thinking the whole situation through. How could he have missed the subtle hints that were dropped? He could have read his friend in and out like an open book... except this. He didn't know how he quite felt either. He had always liked something about Jude. How unique, and different he was, and that he wasn't scared to be himself. Connor envyed that trait so badly... he wanted to be able to be like Jude. He was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't even notice Jude getting up.

"I knew you wouldn't be happy." Jude mumbled, trying to get away as fast as possible to avoid the backlash of his older friend... or ex friend, potentially.

He didn't even realize Connor had followed him until a hand firmly gripped his wrist, tugging him to face his friend. Connor pulled Jude closer, wrapping his arms around him. Jude grasped Connor's t-shirt desperately, scared he'd disappear from his hold. Connor pulled away, resting his hand against Jude's face... not breaking eye contact.

Jude didn't know how it happened, but Connor leaned down, closing the gap between them... pressing their lips together. Connor smiled against Jude's lips as they moved together for a few more seconds. Connor pulled away, grinning at his smaller friend. He leaned over, whispering into Jude's ear , "I like you, too."

Jude was stunned... he still couldn't comprehend what just happened. He put his hand up to his lips, remembering Connor kissing him just seconds before.

"I think I should get home, so my parents don't suspect anything." Connor suggested, and Jude nodded, feeling disappointed. He followed Connor to the front door.

Jude went to turn the door handle, but Connor stopped him. Connor grabbed his hand, interlocking their fingers. "What's Wrong?" Connor demanded, sensing something 'Off' about Jude.

Jude sighed, "What about your dad?" He whispered, tears welling up in his eyes.

Connor put his hand on Jude's face, forcing him to face him. Jude let out a small sob.

"Jude... Nothing, not anyone... can stop me from liking you? Okay? No one is going to break us anymore... I won't let them." He reassured Jude. Jude smilled, nodding in response. Connor kissed Jude on the cheek, before walking out of the door.

Jude still didn't know how he felt about everything, all he knew was... He loved Connor. And maybe, just maybe... Connor loved him too.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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I'm here to stay ( Jonnor Drabble )Where stories live. Discover now