Naruto Uzumaki

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Ino tapped her foot as you finally turned off your Ipod and pulled your headphones down. You rolled your eyes and walked inside the house.

“OK…. Now that EVERYONE’S inside the house… Let’s start playing 7 Minutes In Heaven…” Ino exclaimed. She emphasized the word ‘everyone’ in her sentence as she looked at you furiously. You for one, felt no pain or fear; only anger. She totally disturbed your training, pestering you to come to her party. It wouldn’t be fair for you if you wouldn’t ruin her party.

You sat beside Shino on the couch. He was silent, cool and not annoying like everyone in this room. You smiled at his cool demeanor that he didn’t even pay attention to you and turned your Ipod on again to listen to some beats.

As you began to scroll down your list of songs, Ino poked your shoulder harshly. You looked up to see her holding a tray of papers. Her face was a mixture of ‘please, pick now’ and ‘I’m gonna kill you if you don’t pick one right now’. You sighed and pulled down your headphones once more but didn’t turn your Ipod off and picked the paper # 3, groaning miserably as you did so. Can’t I listen to one song in PEACE?!

“I got the Number frickin 3…..” You shouted as you waved the paper in the air but looking at the floor, looking ashamed and furious at the same time at the situation you’re in.

“That’s me! BELIEVE IT!!!” You heard a familiar voice and phrase across the room.

You close your eyes slowly, but feel like your eyeballs are turning towards your skull with disbelief. You put on your headphones once again to escape the annoying shouts from the annoying person. All you hear from him were blurs and one muffled laugh.

You sighed and took the first step in the closet and immediately mixed with the shadows. Soon enough, after the crowd’s encouraging words to Naruto, he finally came in the closet and as soon as the door closed, he wasted no time in the introductions.

“HEY! I’m Naruto Uzumaki!” He shouted.

“I know…” You said, surprised that you replied and that you actually had your Ipod in full blast and you can still hear him.

“Well, aren’t you gonna introduce too?”

You didn’t hear this one for his tone got more softer now and you were already in the loudest part of the song. You smiled as you didn’t hear any word from him since then and began to sway your head more into the song.

“AAAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!! IF YOU WON’T ANSWER ME THEN I’LL HAVE TO ASK YOU AGAIN!!!” He shouted which you probably heard. You haven’t got time to turn off your Ipod OR put your headphones away when the room suddenly got cramped and tight.

You could swear you could feel hair brushing against your face then two hands grasp your shoulder tightly. Your back felt some sort of light switch and accidentally turned it on with the clasp of your bra behind your shirt. You gasped at the mess you’re in.

A whole bunch of Narutos filled the room, grunting and panting. One Naruto from your left pulled your headphones off and another one took the Ipod away from you. You screamed threateningly, hoping they would give it back but failed. You were outnumbered, surrounded and restrained nonetheless. And there was one Naruto who had worry spread across his face for fear that you were suffocating.

He summoned most of his clones back but kept two that are holding you secured in place. You struggled with all your strength but surrendered.

“OK, you have my attention…. Now what, knucklehead?” You said, giving up with an annoyed face.

“Well, I was just hoping you would tell me your name….” Naruto asked, pouting as he threw your Ipod and headphones playfully in the air and catching it again.

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