On hold

13 1 0

Dear readers,

sorry that I can not post my bully story because o deleted it on my tablet and I wrote alot of chapters I will try to write it quick but for know I cant I'm really really sorry I know some of you guys really want to read it but i'm so sorry :(

But for know who likes my book please can you vote it and follow me I will be so happy and follow you back too if you guys any questions please leave me a message and i will answer it.

I can't type my story because i'm using my friends laptop and sometimes she does not let and she works on her laptop I get to write on her laptop for alittle then.... that's all so i love you guys and thank you for the people who is reading my book bye you guys love you <3

Protect me from the BullyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora